Monday, December 7, 2015

Let's Get Quilting - Dec. 7, 2015 Edition

Hello! It's not beginning to look a lot like Christmas around NYC. Beautiful warm weather and no snow. It is hard to imagine that there's only a couple of weeks until Christmas. We thought that it would be fun to give away some fabric that would make us all nice and cozy. Enter below to win a random assortment from the Buggy Barn Basics collection.

Let us know what today's temperatures will be around your local area. Good luck!

- HG


Betsy said...

We are in the 60's

Lisa England said...

Here in Kentucky it's been in the 20s and 30s in the mornings but warms up to the 50s and 60s in the afternoon. I think that's pretty nice for December.

Martina said...

It is not to cold and still amazingly sunny, wow! Temperature around 5 to 10°C.
Lovely bundle!

ledamewood said...

Temps are around 50 during the day, dropping into the 30's at night.

Renea said...

We are unusually warm, 40's and 50's. Should be much colder here in Iowa.

DebrafromMD said...

Love those fabrics!

Gill said...

Unseasonably warm here in my part of the UK - 14 degrees C

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we are having a warm December in Arkansas this year and it is in the 50'-60's daytime and 30's at night - no snow :( but too much rain, our yard is water logged.

Annmarie said...

I live in northern Wisconsin. This week, the nights are in the 20's but daytime temps have been unseasonly high in the 40's.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

It's cold here, not as cold as last week but a fire in the fireplace is welcome. It's 36 degrees right at this moment. Thanks for the chance on you snuggly fabrics!

Rosa said...

Such a lovely collection.Today is a cold day,right now is 13grades celcious.

Barb said...

Was 46 degrees this morning....

Anonymous said...


Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

The temperatures will be in the mid to upper 60's with sunny skies until the weekend in Florence, Alabama. These temperatures are about 10 degrees higher than the average temperatures for this time of the year.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Love Buggy Barn fabrics! Today it's an amazing 37 degrees in Breezy Point Minnesota--love it!!
Well, it would be nice to be in the 70's, but at least we are above freezing!

janice said...

It is a chilly 31 degrees in Aledo, IL

Judy1522 said...

The temperatures are in the 40's and 50's this week but we are getting tons of rain.

Quilting Tangent said...

30's - 40's F, no snow.

JoyceLM said...

Here in central North Carolina, we're having low 60s in the daytime & 40s at night. But it's supposed to warm up to 70 for the weekend. Thanks.

Dody said...

It's in the upper 40's ,lower 50's.

StephS said...

Lows in SouthCentral PA are in the 20's but daytime temps have been mid-40's & 50's which is very mild for early December. I don't mind the cold because I love to wear sweaters & curl up in a nice warm blanket.
Thank you.

Paula said...


Unknown said...

Weather is in the 60's all week!

Anonymous said...

Yep, it doesn't look a lot like Christmas here either! Temps in Los Angeles have been in the high 70s and even hit 80 yesterday! Thanks for the giveaway!

teachpany said...

Great collection. I have some Snowman prints that would make a cozy quilt with these. I'm in the Poconos in PA, so not much different, temp wise, from NYC. It's been rather warm, but the nights have been cooler, and a friend was making snow on Jack Frost mountain last night. I do hope for a white Christmas, though.

Susan L. said...

It's been a little warmer than usual here. Just a little though. Not nearly warm enough! :o/

Kaye M. said...

The high temp here in southcentral Nebraska today was 58 degrees which is amazing! The normal high should be 20 degrees colder!

Joyce Carter said...

They have warmed up a lot and will be in the 60's all week. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

76 degrees in Jacksonville, FL

Anonymous said...

I live in Surrey BC and today our temperatures were around 9 Celsius (48 Fahrenheit) with endless rain.

sugar_lin2 at hotmail dot com

barbara woods said...

Low 30the high in the 60ths

Michele T said...

Lucky me to make the first comment!!! We have been experiencing very mild temperatures and hardly any snow.... But I have a feeling that it's coming!! Yay!!

Debbie Rogowski said...

I live in SE Texas so your question about the temperature here this week is hard to answer. The saying is if you don't like the weather here just wait a minute. So today we had chilly weather and I was trying to get used to it but tomorrow we will be back up in the high 70's and back in sandals. It's up and down from morning till night. And , something that took me getting used to being from NY, sometimes instead of it getting cooler in the late evening it gets warmer. No rain this week though Yipee!

Anonymous said...

It was in the fifties today in Maine Pauline Gudas

Sandy D said...

We are having an awesome late Fall. The temperatures are around34 degrees and no snow yet. Love it.

Janie said...

It is 47 degrees, the temperature is going up! Thank you for the giveaway, the fabric is lovely!

Karen said...

I live in Upstate New York and am enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures in the 50s for the next few days!

Cathie said...

48 degrees and cloudy

OhioLori said...

Today was up to about 47! and they are predicting 60 by Saturday!! In December!!! Wowie!!! lol

scottylover said...

Beautiful fabrics! It is unseasonably warm here, too and is supposed to be in the 60s by the end of the week! Sure love not having the high heat bills, but do miss the snow.

Sandy A

Jen Barnard said...

It's going to be about 9 degrees c here this week.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Unknown said...

We are in the 303 to 40s on the Southern Coast in Oregon. :)

WoolenSails said...

We actually got close to 50 degrees today, wish it would stay like this all winter;)


Bec said...

Our temperature today was in the low 50's.

Farm Quilter said...

Low 40's and looking for 70 mile an hour winds on Wednesday!!

GranChris said...

We are so lucky 60 daytime, 30 at night.

claire ross said...

Our temperatures are approx 10degrees Celsius but it has been raining constantly for what seems to be weeks!

Beth said...

It's in the mid 50's and raining like crazy here in Oregon. We have had record--for this date--rainfall, with flooding, road closures, and more to come. Good quilting weather.

SewDoUQuilt said...

Strangely it has been in the 50s lately, not complaining though. jarvenpa1ne at gmail dot com

Emily C said...

I live in chilly PA, where we are in the low 30's at night and mid 40's during the day.

Deb G. in VA said...

60's during the day! It's hard to believe it's December!

~Laurie~ said...

Our temps this week are going to be in the low 70's!! Perfect weather here in West Texas :)

Kathy said...

great filler fabrics

Cindy A. said...

At around 8:30 a.m. CST it was sunny and 32 degrees. Thankfully, we've had nice sunny days for a week now but clouds will be gathering soon. I prefer the sunshine myself.

Angelia Lanouette said...

Here in eastern North Carolina it looks like we will be in the low 60's most of the week. Today it is cloudy and cool.

cjmont said...

our temps this week in the coastal plain of texas are lows in the 40s and highs in the mid 70s.

Anonymous said...

Today will be a high of -5 C. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

sisylyn2 said...

Our temperatures are between 40 and 60 in Central Illinois

Anonymous said...

It doesn't feel like December or the Christmas season here either in south=east Virginia. I'm truly enjoying mid 50's weather today, and it will be in 70's by weeks end. Might just dip my toes in the sand one more time:)


Kathy E. said...

I live in NE Iowa and our temps are a good 20* above "normal" and no one is complaining, except for the folks who love to ski. This week's temps will be in the 40-50* range. It's like early spring!

Pamela said...

It's about 59 here, windy and rainy!

Clare said...

The temperture around my area is 22 degrees Celsius.

Mom C said...

60 today, snow last week.

Vicki H said...

Our temps in KS are in the low 50's.

Abby said...


Unknown said...

Mid 50's in central OH and loving it.

Margo said...

Weather in Calgary, Alberta has NOT been "frightful"! A balmy +3 celcius!
cheers from onlydiamonds at hotmail[dot]com

Unknown said...

The temperatures are between 24 to 27 degree Celsius where I live :)

Anita said...

Upper 30s.

Kathy MacKie said...

Nice temps, around 10* C.

mumbird3 said...

Its a warm 60 degrees here!

Nancy said...

60's in the day

Robin said...

Temps here are in the 60's

Anne said...

We should be breaking a recording NY tomorrow at 62!