Heather Mulder Peterson is a designer for Henry Glass Fabrics.
She also recently started her own blog
http://ankastreasures.wordpress.com/ and will be blogging soon for HG as well. Here is some information about her taken from her blog.
Well, I suppose we should start with introductions. I’m Heather Peterson, the designer of Anka’s Treasures, a quilt pattern design company. I’ve finally joined the blogosphere, though I’ve been blogging in my head for some time now! Getting around to actually doing it, well that’s another story. I love reading other designers blogs, and I have found them to be a great source of inspiration.
In this industry, there are tons of wonderfully creative people. Blogging is a way for me to become more in touch with all their ideas year round, not just at quilt market or with the publications. It’s a chance to really get to know other creators all around the world on a more personal and creative level. Because I love all these things about blogging, I have decided to join you all. I hope you will find many fun ideas here and I look forward to hearing you comments and thoughts!
I plan to mostly share about my quilting— including what’s new in my pattern designs and the fabrics I do for Henry Glass. I hope to share with you about my quilting related travels, as I’m out and about doing some speaking and teaching, my favorite fabric lines (love Moda!), ideas on decorating with quilts, and other fun quilt industry related items. I also knit, so I may post on that too.
Here are two swatches from her newest line...
Cottage Charm with HG.

We also have a
New Free Project on our website for Cottage Charm!

Click on our HG site go to
Heather Mulder Peterson to see the full line: http://www.henryglassfabrics.com/