Henry Glass Designer Debbie Taylor- Kerman Blogs on the Fat Quarter Shop Website/ Blog...Check it out Here.

Many blessings to you all! Debbie Taylor-Kerman http://www.debbietaylorkerman.com/

Thursday, April 24, 2008 http://www.fatquartershop.com/ Stay tuned for more blogs from our Henry Glass Designers directly on our Henry Glass Blog...
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on "Tis the Season"
If you can't already tell, Christmas is well on its way here at the Shop! And we have a new collection heralding it's almost-arrival. Today the talented Debbie Taylor-Kerman joins us on the blog to tell us about her new collection Tis the Season for Henry Glass Fabrics. It has a slight antiqued holiday look, but the designs are unexpectedly cheeky and fun!It’s a real honor to be able to showcase my work with the Fat Quarter Shop, and this is my first shot at blogging - thanks for asking me to participate guys, I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of it.
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on "Tis the Season"
If you can't already tell, Christmas is well on its way here at the Shop! And we have a new collection heralding it's almost-arrival. Today the talented Debbie Taylor-Kerman joins us on the blog to tell us about her new collection Tis the Season for Henry Glass Fabrics. It has a slight antiqued holiday look, but the designs are unexpectedly cheeky and fun!It’s a real honor to be able to showcase my work with the Fat Quarter Shop, and this is my first shot at blogging - thanks for asking me to participate guys, I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of it.
“Tis’ the Season” is my first collection with Henry Glass, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. All the wonderful folks at Henry Glass are just fantastic to work with and I think they have done an amazing job making my artwork come alive on the fabric - thanks to all involved, especially Karen!“Tis the Season” started off with the “Snowmen Heads” pattern and then I developed the rest of the collection from there. Like most of my work, the “Snowmen Heads” were inspired by my kids. One of my greatest joys in life is reading to them. Ever since they were young, I was, and continue to be, deeply moved by their joy, wonderment and delight while we’re reading a picture book as they discover a little critter peeking out from under a leaf or a buzzing bee busying behind the flower petals. So the “Snowmen Heads” were created with one thought in mind - to delight my kids – isn’t that what we Moms all try to do in life :-) The "Snowmen Heads” depict small Christmas critters having fun playing with the snowmen and their wonky hats and scarves.
I tried to create the same sense of fun in the designs that followed in the collection, whether it be the wonky polka dots and harlequins or the tiny Christmas critters frolicking with the Christmas presents. I love this collection, I was so thrilled when I first saw the fabric. I feel that the collection truly manages to maintain the fun and liveliness that I tried to depict on the original art.Thanks again for giving me this opportunity to tell you about my “Tis the Season” collection and I hope all of you who create these quilts have many little loving eyes scouring the patterns, being enchanted by my frolicking critters.
Many blessings to you all! Debbie Taylor-Kerman http://www.debbietaylorkerman.com/