You may have noticed as you take your first glance at my blog entry below, that it is in teeny tiny print! This is because I am only very SLOWLY joining the modern world, and I do not offer an ongoing blog. With this in mind, the very kind people at Henry Glass invited me to forward my post to them to share with you so that I could still join in the fun. If you don't have eyes like a hawk or Superman's x-ray vision, you can ditch your reading glasses and just click your mouse once on each page - like MAGIC, they will enlarge to a size that is easy to read!
Thanks for hanging with me through a couple of little hiccups as I tackle this new blog stuff!
Kim ~

Is there something wrong with the web site that I can't get to the pattern page.
This is such a cute project. Thanks!
Cute project. I too was not able to open the pattern page when I clicked. But I scrolled down and there it was.
Thanks for both the adorable project and mulled cider recipe!
Rita, Click on the "pages" one at a time. They will enlarge and you can print or save them from there.
Thank you so much for your project! Love it!
The holiday hanger is adorable. Thank you. And, a big thanks to you and all the other designers who have made this week such fun! Happy quilting!
Thank you so much for the door hanger ...Merry Christmas..
Thank you for the cute pattern. It will make a perfect gift, and seems simple enough that I could make it in time for this Christmas. I look forward to making the Christmas hanger soon.
very nice pattern!
And there are now answers appearing :-(
Thank you for the very cute pattern and recipe. We love mulled cider! I should let you know that the comments left about the "Special words list" are not hidden. This was a great event and I loved getting to know all of the designers. Merry Christmas!!
Thanks for the, "Quilted Holiday Hanger" love it. Love going on this blog hop.
Thanks Kim. I made your Snowman hanger for my block exchange friends. They were a big hit, now on to the next group, and a project just in time.
Thank you for a darling pattern! AND the fabric is beautiful!! Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family :)
thanks for the projects and the yummy recipe. by the way I love the red toes!
Thank you for the pattern and recipe!
Love your project! Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Thanks for the really cute tree pattern. I did manage to get a copy of the pattern.
Kim, What a great Henry Glass Parade this has been! I love your project so much. Thank you for participating and it would be great to someday be able to meet you and get your books. Maybe even take one of your classes! I hear so many great comments about your books. Please include me in your giveaway. Thank you and happy holidays! ~Kathleen
brown.k [at]
Thanks for the project, recipe, and giveaway!
Holy wow - I really had to work to get that pattern, but I really wanted it since I have the perfect place for it.
Thank you so much Kim
I have already posted about the hop but I would like to comment on your posting font. I could not read the entire entry till I figured out how to enlarge it. And it was not just a matter of increasing the font which is how I thought it should work. Finally I just clicked over the page and it became bigger. Was a little frustrating though. The side bar was a good size to read but not the entry of the 7th and that included the pattern.
Just a thought for your next posting. It would help older eyes and level of frustration if it was bigger to start with. Older eyes don't always have alot of computer experience. Thanks for this hop. It was great going from site to site. What a wonderful amount of great patterns. Now to find some time to do some of them.
Thanks again
This project is adorable! Thank you very much for sharing it!
Thank you for a wonderful project and recipe! I also enjoyed your class, a bit more than a year ago (in Amherst Museum Quilters Guild) and LOVE my applique wall hanging I made! Happy holidays!
Such a fun project and mulled cider, yummmm! Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us. I also loved the centerpiece idea and know I will do that!
My problem has been that the post was so small in print. I did the 'trick' to make the page larger, but lost clarity so that it was very hard for me to read...I hope I understood the word properly.
I did like the project hanger...I really need to make myself a few hand made things for my own home...I tend to make for everyone else as gifts and neglect myself! :)
That is just absolutely the cutest little hanging....I love it and am going to make one TODAY! Thanks so much for the awesome pattern. And thanks for the fabulous give away, too. I'm really wanting me some of those "sparkly red toes"! :o)
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Holiday Season, and a New Year filled with love, joy, and peace!
Love the christmas hanger and all of your quilts!
Kim, I love your owning up to being a slacker...I'm a slacker every year for some unknown reason, but everything always works out in the end. This year however, we are in the midst of a remodel, well, a 'face-lift' in the living room and bathroom upstairs so everything is piled er...stacked neatly (yeah, sure) in the family room downstairs but I told hubby that my new sewing room was off limits (60 years old and finally got my own sewing space) Hey! a girls gotta draw the line somewhere right. I've done a little holiday wall hanging for my sewing room but other than that it will be my smallest Nativity on the end table in the side of the family room where we can still sit down and my decorating will be done, LOL. The remodel will not be completed until the end of January or first of February but next year I hope to really decorate upstairs. I don't have any Christmas quilts so that is a must do this next year. I am going to try to get your adorable Holiday Hanger made to put on my sewing room doorknob...I absolutely love it, thanks so much. I'm having trouble getting the pattern but that to will work out, I just know it!!! The yummy recipe will also have to wait until the mess is gone but nothing says I have to wait till next Christmas to try it, right? Thanks for a chance to have some of the wonderful quilty treasures you will include in your gift. OH, and I adore your twinkly toes...very festive!!! OH, and can you tell me the name of the beautiful snowball style Christmas quilt shown in the third page of your post? I drooled all over my keyboard when I saw it! Hugs... and Good Luck to Everyone in this fun adventure Henry Glass & Co. has let us enjoy. Merry Christmas!!!
Really cute project. Thanks, and a Merry Christmas to you.
Thank you for the recipe and the cute holiday hanger. What a fabulous parade this has been! I was looking forward to reading your post today. Thank you also for the generous giveaway and Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Thank you sew much for the adorable pattern! Already have ideas on who needs this gift for Christmas!! Thank you!
Thanks for the cute project. And a big thank you for coordinating this blog hop. It's been great fun.
Hi Kim!!
Huge fan here. I have been collecting all your books and those patterns that have appeared in American Patchwork and Quilting. I would love to take a class with you and have been watching your site for when you will be in the Dallas Ft Worth area (no time soon .
Thank you for the wonderful pattern. You had a similar one in APQ several years ago and I DON'T have that issue! ARGGG!! Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
I have enjoyed this project parade. Thank you for doing this. Take care and God bless, Cory
Thank you so much for this cute pattern!
Thanks so much for the mulled cider recipe ... sounds yummy! Also the very cute hanger! I have really enjoyed the Holiday Parade. Meeting all the designers was so much fun! Thanks for everything!
Happy holidays to you and yours!
Even though you had computer glitches and difficulties, this format is working beautifully. Great Idea. Love your books and designs, thanks for the opportunity to win.
PS: Merry Christmas! (I have just the place for your project to hang, thanks!)
thanks for the cute project ideas, I just recently bought a new OPI color for Christmas - It's very festive and glittery.
Thx for being part of the blog hop. There have been wonderful projects.
Happy Holidays!
This is so neat. Thank you for your sharing with everyone during the Parade. It has been very rewarding to follow it---patterns, recipes & sharing traditions.
Thanks so much for the free pattern and recipe. This has been such a fun Project Parade. Merry Christmas!
Hi, Kim: I have loved checking the blog hop each day. This has been a great activity. I put 'Simple Graces' on my wish list at my favourite quilt shop. Your books are wonderful, cover to cover. I have loved each one. Thank you for the hanger pattern. This is a snow day for my school area so an enticing project to spend my afternoon on is a perfect fit today. Merry Christmas from Ontario, Canada
Thanks for sharing the pattern!
Really nice project! Thanks!!!
Kim, totally awesome post and project! Thanks for your energy and effort into this!!
Cute project and thanks for the recipe too!
Your post was fun to read and I love your project. I think I need some red toes too! This has been great fun. I will come back later to download the great pattern.
How cute!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Connie F
Thanks so much for the cute Holiday Hanger pattern and yummy cider recipe. I have enjoyed following the HG designer Parade for the last week!
What a cute project. Thank you so much for the pattern and the recipe for the mulled cider. Love the toes! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thanks for the holiday hanger pattern. I'd love to win your giveaway with the red nail polish! Kathie L in
Very cute tree. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Thank you for sponsoring this contest. It has been very fun getting to know each of the many talented designers this week!
I love the pattern & it looks like one that will easy to finish before Christmas. Thanks for participating & for the chance to win.
The holiday hanger is a beautiful pattern. Thanks for the lovely pattern and giveaways and cider recipie.
Great project! Thanks for the pattern. :o)
Thanks for sharing your Christmas thoughts and good wishes. Thank you also for the pattern, recipe and chance to win cool stuff!
Merry Christmas!
I love the holiday hanger. Thanks so much for participating in the blog hop.
Very cute tree pattern - thanks for sharing! I love small accessories for Christmas.
Thank you for the wonderful pattern and recipe. I hope you and yours have a truly beautiful Christmas!
Love your project!
Love your site, patterns, everything. Everything you do is so cozy. Thanks for the chance to win great prizes. Can't wait to put together that holiday door hanger. Have a great Christmas and New Year.
thanks so much for the great shares !
Sorry you guys are having trouble with the site! I was able to zoom in read the blog post and get the secret word. I'll be emailing it. Thanks for the great holiday hanger pattern.
The door hanger is so sweet!! I love your simple natural centerpiece too. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
First of all I'd like to thank the Henry Glass Fabrics blog-group for helping me to read Kim Diehl's blog via their own blog (print was small, so I squinted my eyes, pointed my finger along each line and, voila...I read Kim's blog :)
Kim, I have made the snowman tabletopper and I'm now making the yo-yo's for the Easter Bunny tablerunner. All your holiday cheer has been very inspiring, and I'm making your door hanger for a gift (plus 1 for me :).
I'd love to win your newest book and all your wonderful gifts.
Blessing to you & yours this Holiday Season, Jackie in NC
This is really cute. I wonder if I can whip some up for gifts before Christmas time...
Thank you for the recipe and the project. It's adorable. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
This has been fun...and I love OPI polish in red...that is all I wear! Have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the Door Hanger pattern. Is there a pattern for the quilt spread over the couch?
Happy Holidays!
Love your twinkle toes and Christmas tree!
Thank you for the free pattern! :-)
Merry Christmas Kim! And thank you for a cute pattern. I enjoyed reading your holiday deco tips. Thanks for a chance at winning.
I've been so waiting for your contribution for the holiday hop. Just knew it would be cool!
Thanks for sharing the fun family traditions, pattern and recipe!!
Did I mention your new book is all that?
I enjoyed reading your post! Thanks too for the giveaway and the pattern.
Thanks for these wonderful projects! Love your books! I have Simple Graces on my Christmas list! Hoping one of my sons gets the hint:) Happy Holidays!
LOVE your door hanger! And thanks for the mulled cider recipe...can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing!
I like your idea of a holiday hanger! I may just make one, but substitute a paper-pieced nutcracker for the tree!
Thanks for the recipe and too cute project. I have red toenails year round!
Thank you for the pattern and the fun blog tour. Love the red toe nails.
Cute project. Thanks. Have a great holiday.
happy birthday Kim! i love your patterns :-)
Very cute project. Thanks!
Kim...of course, you shared my favorite project of the holiday blog hop...I was lucky enough to take one of your classes in SoCal and think you are awesome!! Thanks so much for wrapping up the week in a great way!! Have a wonderful holiday!!
It is so cold here in Florida today that the mulled cider recipe will be great to try this evening.
(listen to me moan, we usually have such nice weather!) Thanks.
Your project is very cute and the mulled cider sounds delicious. There's just too many goodies at this time of year, but I love them all. Thanks for sharing and participating in the blog hop!!
Thanks for your lovely project and your recipe. It is good fun to read your Christmas post.
Soueat sounds like it's been a great success, Thanks for all the fun stuff!
Cute projects! Thank you!!
Such a cute little hanger! Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!
Thank you for the pattern and recipe! I love all your books, and would love a chance to win your newest one since I haven't bought it yet! Merry Christmas!
I love mulled cider and the pretty tree hanging. Thanks for both of them.
Thank you for the adorable holiday hanger. I LOVE your books and I think I have most of them and have made quite a few.
Thank you Kim for the great project and the recipe, I will try them both.
wishing to you and your loved ones a save and happy holidays,
Merry Christmas!
Take care, Leslie
Thanks for sharing and taking part in the Henry Glass blog hop.
Merry Christmas
Cute project. This has been a fun project hop - wish I had time to do all the projects.
Happy Holidays, Kim. Thank you for the wonderful pattern, recipe and for participating.
Thank you so much for the very cute holiday hanger project! And the mulled cider: I can smell it already! Had a little trouble getting to your blog today, but, glad I kept trying. Merry Christmas HUGS... and stitches
Thank you, Kim! Love the cute pattern, ideas, and recipe
Thanks for sharing the project and the whole blog hop has been fun.
Very cute hanger! Thanks for sharing the idea for decorations. I've always covered the whole fruit, but the swirly design on your orange is very festive :)
Such a cute tree! Thanks Kim! Merry Christmas!
Very cute project, I just love all the great projects from the tour. I will be busy this summer making many of the projects. Merry Christmas
Oh dear, I'm terribly ashamed of my toes. The polish is all grown out, cause who sees my toes in the winter? When I get home I'm going to "borrow" the red polish from my daughter and get me some twinkling toes! Thanks for the ideas. I really do like the Christmas tree project. It looks like a lot of fun.
I'm checking out the cider recipe and the quilted hanger. I will try to read the small print hopefully so I can find out the secret word for this blog. Thanks!
Thank you so much for participating in this fun blog hop! Thank you for the yummy cider recipe and the cute holiday hanger!
Happy holidays!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas from the Henry Glass team. I really like the mulled cider recipe.
Lovely project - can't wait to try it. This has been a wonderful blog tour (lots of new adds to my bookmarks!) - thank you so much for your contribution. Maybe this is your year to simplify!!! Enjoy and Merry Christmas :)
fun little project, I might change it up a touch to make a little wall hanging quilt (think various sized trees....but basically the same idea there!) I love it!
and would yhou believe I have never painted my toes, I think I might just need to!
Love the Holiday Hanger! Thanks for the pattern and the giveaway!
grif at ctsi dot net
I love your patterns, Kim. Thanks for doing this blog hop and for the great giveaway! I'd love to win.
Thank you for the great pattern. I hope I win your prizes - I would love a copy of your book!
What a great project. Thanks!
What a cute pattern! I have loads of great scraps for it too.
Hello Kim-Thanks for the awesome project. I have already started one. Hmmm...thinking I may have to do a couple for gifts. The mulled cider looks yummy too.
Keep your twinkley red toes warm.
Thanks for the cute pattern and the recipe for cider sounds yummy! I like how you used common things and put them together to make a great holiday centerpiece.
I absolutely LOVE the Christmas tree hanging! Thank you so much...can't wait to get started on mine!
Vanessa in Oklahoma
Love the tree hanger and just downloaded the pattern. Thank you! So many wonderful projects this week.
Thank you also for the giveaway and opportunity to win! Merry Christmas!
I really enjoyed your post today. Thanks for the cute project. Have a great holiday!
Oh my gosh - what a creative decoration for our railing! Thanks for the recipe as well as the decorating tips. Your giveways are generous and thank you for the opportunity to win. Happy Holidays!
Took me awhile to figure out to click to enlarge your post. Then I saw the comments telling me I could! Thanks for all the ideas, projects & such. Thanks for being part of the parade. Love your site.
Very cute project Kim. Thank you for the instructions.
Thank you for the lovely post and the pattern. Please enter me into the giveaway too as want some of Kim Diehl's Opi sparkly red polish! Of course, the new book, fabrics, and other goodies are great too. It was a lot of fun to visit each designer's blog daily and read the posts of projects, inspiration, and sharing of traditions. Happy Holidays!
The hanger pattern is adorable. Thank you so much. The mulled cider recipe just calls for slippers and a big quilt doesn't it? Love the holidays :)
Thank you, Thank you for the cute project. I will have to put it on my to do list. Happy Holidays.
Really like the quilted hanger!
Love hot cider.
So much fun! I have thoroughly enjoyed this project parade! I can't wait to get started making them!
What a great pattern. Just quick enough to do right now. Many thanks. We have made the orange/cloves in the past and will do so again. Thanks too for the recipe for the cider.
Thanks for the cute pattern and the recipe. This has been so much fun!
Thanks for the doorhanger project and the recipe. This blog hop was great fun!
I love all Kim's work so it is no surprise that this one is so special. Thank you.
Thanks for the wonderful pattern. Your patterns are always so beautiful. Thanks for joining in the fun of the week.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Kim,
Lovely design :)
Hugs, Sharon
Fun post! Really like the idea of decorating oranges! Cute tree project too! Thanks for all of your work to make this hop so fun!
Very sweet pattern, and as you said, a great one for using my stash. Thanks so much!
Leslie S. in MN
esclante at comcast dot net
Very cute project. Thanks for sharing.
the holiday hangar is very cute. Can't wait to try out the mulled cider. Thanks for sharing your holiday preparations with us.
Thank you so much for the project and cider recipe.
I have so enjoyed the blog hop, finding new to me blogs/designers and ones that I already knew/read blogs. Now I just need an extra few weeks to make all the projects.
Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas
I love twinkly red toes too! I love them even more when I sit in a chair, close my eyes and relax while someone else does them!
Merry Christmas!
The Holiday Hanger is a must do!Thanks so much for the pattern and the recipe. This Project Parade has been a lot of fun. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Your project is adorable and I have so many green fabrics that would be great for it! Thanks for taking part in this blog hop. I have really enjoyed it and finding so many new projects to work on!
Cute project. It would look good as a small wall hanging too! Thanks.
Thanks for sharing! Love the toes --- sooooo festive
Thanks fot the cute pattern, it might be doable this weekend!
very cute project! Thanks for sharing (and I like the sparkly red nail polish too!)
I love your twinkly red toes, and the project, and I also love mulled cider - Thanks so much for sharing, and for the chance to win some awesomeness! Merry Christmas!
p.s. Thanks, too, for doing the Hop. I've really enjoyed it! and now have more stuff I want to finish for gifting!
Thank you for the wonderful pattern. All of the designers did a fantastic job.
thank you so much. This has been so much fun. I feel so blessed by all of your generosity and love.
Thankyou for a chance to win. Janita
I'll definitely be trying the mulled cider recipe - yum! Thanks for the cute project pattern.
Kim, Thanks for the wonderful project....great Holiday hanger. I hear you are new to blogging. I've been blogging about six months. I'm still struggling when it comes to posting buttons and even thinking of something to talk about that people would be interested in. I'm not going to give up....I have a post in the works and will be posting something today but most likely without pictures. I'm not good at photography either. Love the HG Holiday parade...excellent blog hop!!! sEw glad you joined the parade.
Thank you for the free pattern. I enjoy all your patterns. Love the colors you use. Merry Christmas. Deb Austin
Happy Birthday Kim! Great post. Love your red toes:)
Love the hanger, mulled cider recipe and twinkle toes:)
thank you for the giveaway.
Love your twinkly toes! Thanks for the fun pattern. Merry Christmas!
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