A big summer “hello” to everyone! This is the time of year when I usually want to be out in my garden more than I want to be inside sewing, but since receiving my Along the Fence fabrics, I’ve had to dig deep for enough will power to wander outside and water my poor flowers!

My college-age daughter, Katie, came home for a visit recently and she couldn’t wait to dive into the pile of prints when she saw them. Before I knew it, we were hip-deep in craft projects! In addition to re-covering some of her bulletin boards, we made her a simple but WAY cute earring hanger for her wall.

Here’s how we did this: First, we purchased a frame and removed the glass and all the parts and pieces. Next, we used the backing to cut a piece of foam core board to size, and then cut a piece of quilt batting and green print 5337-66 to be about 3-4” larger than the foam core board. We wrapped the layered green print and batting over the sides of the foam core board snugly, anchoring them in place to the back of the board using a hot glue gun along the edges. We knotted lengths of 1 1/2”-wide purple ribbon and positioned them over the front of the fabric, again anchoring them to the back of the board with hot glue. To keep the lengths of ribbon sturdy, we wiggled straight pins into the ribbon knots to hide them, angling the pin points between the layers of the foam core board. Last, we re-assembled the frame with the covered board and backing, and added earrings.
I hope this will inspire you to whip up some fun little projects (and maybe even some quilts) of your own!
Kim ~
For more information on Kim or to see her other designs check out her website:
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