Monday, October 6, 2014

A Flair For Fabric

We are busy getting ready for Quilt Market later this month. One of the highlights of this market will be the debut of our book, "A Flair For Fabric" that is published by our friends Martingale & Co. Designer Linda Lum DeBono, who compiled the book, received her advanced copy. It looks fabulous. We can't wait to share more with you. Make sure that you pre-order this book from your local quilt shop now.

It's Monday and that means it's our "Countdown To The Holidays" event. Last week's winner is Barbara Dillard Smith Woods. Please send us your contact information here. If you make something from our fabric send us a photography of that too!

This week we will be giving away a bundle [1/2 yard pieces] of "Crazy Like Us" by Buggy Barn. Tell us about your craziest quilting story. Did you do something crazy fun during a retreat? We know, what happens at the retreat stays at the retreat. What about the craziest thing that you have stitched to a quilt? Have you made a quilt from plastic bags? Do you have a crazy story behind a quilt that you made? We want to hear your fun stories. If you don't that's ok too. Just say hello in the comments to enter.

Enter with this widget below.

Good luck!



Ana said...

I am making Mondo bags for Xmas gifts.

Unknown said...

No crazy quilt story, but I am very creative with very small scraps!

Ida Houston said...

Congratulations to last week's winner, Barbara Smith!

Rina Mason said...

PJ's, two quilts, pillowcases, hot pads and aprons.

Diane H said...

I don't have any crazy quilting stories but I can tell you I go a bit 'crazy, mad, ballistic' on the days my new sewing machine decides to skip stitches. Thanks for a chance in your giveaway that makes me happy!

Paula said...

I will be making Christmas Stockings for some new family additions. Thanks for the opportunity!

Donna Keating said...

After messing up on a wall quilt I had to figure a way to conceal it. I printed the name of the quilt on a piece of muslin then applique it's over the boo-boo. I looked great!

Sunnybec said...

I live in France and everything closes down in the winter, the French seem to hibernate until the sun comes out again! Without my quilting I would go crazy in the winter. Thanks for the chance.

Jackie said...

I was making a Jinny Beyer quilt and event though I read the instructions over and over again I somehow sewed all the pieces upside down. I cut the pieces correctly put them on my design board to ensure I was going to put it together correctly and kept referring to the pattern but still sewed it wrong. I think I may have dyslexia as this isn't the first time and to me it's correct and then once completed I realize it's completely flipped. My husband says it's just artistic license Lol.

ytsmom said...

I need to finish a couple UFO's

BarbaraG said...


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Well I am crazy about quilting! LOL I am making quilts this year~ 2 finished, one to quilt and one to start. Wish me luck!?

Anonymous said...

HI, I'm wanting to do place mats, ornaments and 1 or 2 table toppers>so I'd better get started! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been quilting long enough to have a crazy story, but I love to hear other people's stories. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

MomHylle said...

Crazy about fabric - any and ALL fabric!

Cecilia said...

I don't really have any crazy quilt stories, but I am crazy about your fabrics. ��

janice said...

i am making a couple purses.

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

I am sewing for little girls in need for Christmas -- mostly little dresses.

Kay said...

I can't think of a crazy quilt story, but quilting has been what keeps me sane.

GranChris said...

I'll be making lots of small stuff like pot holders and towels, book covers. Things like that this year.

Anonymous said...

I Have already begun my Christmas list, making place mats, pot holders, hot pads and a lap quilt!

Maureen Skau said...

I ahve already begun my Christmas list, making place mats,pot holders,hot pads and a lap quilt!

DebraKay Neiman said...

I am making little pillow ornaments for Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

patricia said...

I must not be living right. Nothing crazy in a quilt though I did do a Crazy Quilt block a few years ago for a group project that I don't think ever got made....

Mary hickey said...

I'm making two halloween table runners using Heather Peterson pattern, Framed Florals, On the Run Again book.

Unknown said...

Pillow cases, children's quilts, mug rugs.

Bev Dean said...

pillow cases and mug rugs

Unknown said...

Pillow cases and mug rugs.

barbara woods said...

right now I am making a Christmas apron

DuAnne said...

I guess I am not crazy enough! Anyway, love the fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Lisa England said...

I am making lots of lap quilts for Christmas gifts. I started early so I've got a nice stack done already.

JANET said...

Haven't gotten to THE holidays as yet. Still trying to finish trick or treat bags for the Grandkids, and a pumpkin table runner for the table. Then on to Christmas things!

Vicki H said...

I am making zipper pouches and mug rugs.

Judy1522 said...

I don't have any crazy quilting stories to tell, maybe someday when I have been quilting longer.

Sandy D said...

I am gearing up for Christmas and have made a runner and started on a second one.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a crazy story but I've had a lot of fun over the years with the wonderful friends I've met due to my love of quilting.
sugar_lin2 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Janie said...

I am making ponchos, throws, and lap sized quilts for the holidays. Thanks for the chance at a beautiful bundle.

Debbie Rogowski said...

I'm finishing up some quilts to give for the holidays, maybe a table runner ... or two and of course bunches of mug rugs.
Oh and I LOVE! Adore! these fabrics. It's like they have my name all over them. Play hard, Laugh Loud and Smile often!!

Beth said...

I made a crazy quilt for my sweetheart in very bold, bright colors--Laurel Burch cats and dogs. My machine quilter could not believe it was intended for a grown man, but he loved it.

Diane Beavers said...

I'm stitching up holiday runners/tabletoppers/mini quilts to cover every flat wooden surface in my small home.
I once tried:) to stitch a cowboy spur to a quilt in progress for my soldier son, whom was then a Cavalry Scout.

Margaret said...

I will be making table runners for Christmas. I guess the craziest thing I did was make a lone star quilt for the first pieced quilt.

Kathy E. said...

For the holidays, I am making several table runners for friends and myself! They will be quilted and awesome!

Pamela said...

I am making two quilts for nieces for Christmas. Thanks for the fun!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats to the winner and I'm am working on a Christmas table runner and place-mats.

Veronika said...

My little girl a quilt! And a cape too :)

Kathy said...

I'm making table runners this year

Anonymous said...

My sister and I were getting together to quilt each month. We both started a quilt project and a short time into it, we hated it. They were different projects, but we had the same sentiments about them... We did promise each other to finish them anyway... They were finished and we each called them the quilts from H...L. They were NOT FUN... But the funny thing was, we both gave them to our mother in laws!!! They were loved!

Farm Quilter said...

I am making quilts for Christmas gifts, along with microwave bowl holders, iPad stands and reusable paper towels. A fun-for-me story was when I dropped in at The Buggy Barn to find they had had a water pipe burst which soaked a bunch of their fabric...I was there when they were selling it for about $1.50 a yard! I totally scored there!!

Anonymous said...

For Christmas I am working on some hot pads and coasters. I may do a table runner or something like that as well.

Karen said...

The craziest think to happen when I was quilting was when I sewed my finger. My husband had to pull the needle out of my finger! Yes it hurt!

Quilting Tangent said...

Hello! No crazy story, unless you consider 1st quilt ever to be a hand pieced queen sized quilt 'Tennessee Waltz Variation'. Reversible - different pattern on other side. Trying to get the tops, quilted for the holidays.

Donna W said...

Table-toppers are this years gifts from me.

pippirose said...

I'm making some more Christmas ornaments this year, and a tree skirt.

pippirose said...

I don't have any crazy quilting story, as I'm a newbie, and it's all a bit crazy to me, right now! :o)

johnnyp said...

I am making 3 quilts for christmas

Gayle said...

I'm not a very crazy person, just love quilting

Kristy said...

Sewing lots of new stockings! Thanks for the chance!

Nancy said...

I need to make some mug rugs! (I don't have any crazy stories!)

Kathy Davis said...

I am making purses for holiday gift giving.
Kathy Davis

OhioLori said...

Always make new jamma's for our Kiddo's..yep, even tho grown now..still do! lol & have added a few Grankiddo's to Jamma List now too! Sooooo fun! :)

Also working on 2 different Wall 1st try at Hand Applique...slow going! But love it!

Karen said...

I am making some cute fabric Christmas ornaments. I made some in 1976 and when my kids left home in the late 90's, I gave each of them some. Over the years they have lost some. I happened to find the pattern from 1976 in a thrift shop last year, so I am making each of them a new set.

Unknown said...

I will be making quilted stockings

Seraphina said...

I'm sewing bags, coin purses and assorted small quilted things for all my friends!

Unknown said...

I am suing an apron and a soft nativity set.

Lee said...

I am making new holiday stockings!

Barb Neiwert said...

I haven't yet begun to make gifts for the holidays. But I have a quilt planned and several pillows. There's still time! Isn't there?

Paula said...

I will be making a few gifts for friends and also 2 stockings for new family members!

scottylover said...

I am hoping to make oven mitts and pot holders for presents.

Sandy A

Deb said...

I'd love to make a Christmas quilt this year as a gift for my family, but I haven't started it yet! I don't really have any crazy stories, but I definitely am crazy about quilting!

Carrie P. said...

I am making a rag quilt for my daughter in law.

Karen Propes said...

This fabric is beautiful! I'm making a quilt, tablerunners and mug rugs for gifts. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I have recently been bitten by the quilting bug. These fabrics are absolutely gorgeous and would be lovely worked up in one of the fpp patterns that I have found on the internet.

Margo said...

I've been hiding a Christmas Tree skirt in the closet for a while! I need to get it quilted and surround the tree this year!