Saturday, November 29, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Amy Hamberlin & Shop Talk!

Today, another talented Henry Glass designer, Amy Hamberlin of Kati Cupcake Pattern Co. is the guest blogger on this blog hop. You can check out her post here. She has a fresh and sweet palette. Her project for "A Flair For Fabric" is a lovely project that is quick to piece together and can show off a lot of fun fabrics all in one project.

For those of you who are new here, Martingale has been hosting this amazing blog hop for our book, "A Flair For Fabric" and all of our designers plus American Patchwork & Quilting are going to be sharing their reviews and inspiration.

The posts will feature a quilting tip and most days there will be fabric and book giveaways. We have bundled up a ton of fabric and they are all ready to go!

Tuesday, November 18: Launch at Martingale’s Stitch This! blog 
Wednesday, November 19: Dana Brooks 
Thursday, November 20: Leanne Anderson 
Friday, November 21: 
Saturday, November 22: Janet Nesbitt 
Monday, November 24: Linda Lum DeBono
Tuesday, November 25: Anni Downs 
Wednesday, November 26: Kim Diehl 
Friday, November 28: Jill Finley (
Saturday, November 29: Amy Hamberlin 
Monday, December 1: Margo Languedoc 
Tuesday, December 2: Little Quilts 
Wednesday, December 3: Lizzie B Cre8ive 
Thursday, December 4: Heather Mulder Peterson 
Friday, December 5: Jacquelynne Steves 
Saturday, December 6: Wrap up at the Henry Glass blog 

Today is Small Business Saturday. We encourage you to shop at your local quilt shop today and always. Having a local quilt shop enables you to have a first hand feel for the fabric. It's great inspiration and we quilters and crafters are a tactile bunch. We at Henry Glass & Co. love our quilt shops. We want to share the stories of those quilt shops who buy our fabrics and to inspire you to continue to support your local shop. If you are a quilt shop that carries Henry Glass fabrics, let us know! We want to let the world know about you. [If you are not a shop owner, let your quilt shops know too!] Details below.

Have a great weekend!


Friday, November 28, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Jill Finley of Jillily Studio

*Please note that when commenting your message may not show up immediately. We moderate our comments to prevent spam. Thank you!

We hope that you had a great Thanksgiving celebration with your families and friends. We are continuing with our "A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop with Martingale & Co. Each day on our schedule a new guest blogger will post about the book and her special fabric tips. There is a giveaway for a copy of the book and fabric. Make sure that you click on the links to see the details of each giveaway. 

Jill Finley of Jillily Studio is our special guest today on the blog hop. Jill's latest collections include the "Park Drive" and "Jams & Jellies Basics" collections. Her beautiful applique work is a combination of a fresh modern take on traditional floral applique work.

Here are the links to the participants of the blog hop.The posts will feature a quilting tip and most days there will be fabric and book giveaways. We have bundled up a ton of fabric and they are all ready to go!

Tuesday, November 18: Launch at Martingale’s Stitch This! blog 
Wednesday, November 19: Dana Brooks 
Thursday, November 20: Leanne Anderson 
Friday, November 21: 
Saturday, November 22: Janet Nesbitt 
Monday, November 24: Linda Lum DeBono
Tuesday, November 25: Anni Downs 
Wednesday, November 26: Kim Diehl 
Friday, November 28: Jill Finley (
Saturday, November 29: Amy Hamberlin 
Monday, December 1: Margo Languedoc 
Tuesday, December 2: Little Quilts 
Wednesday, December 3: Lizzie B Cre8ive 
Thursday, December 4: Heather Mulder Peterson 
Friday, December 5: Jacquelynne Steves 
Saturday, December 6: Wrap up at the Henry Glass blog 

Come back here on Monday for the continuation of the blog hop and the next installment of our "Countdown To The Holidays" event too.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Kim Diehl

*Please note that when commenting your message may not show up immediately. We moderate our comments to prevent spam. Thank you!

Today we welcome Kim Diehl on the blog hop. She is the designer of the successful "Simple Whatnots" Club and her latest collections are "Heritage Hollow" and "Butter Churn Basics." We are pleased to announce the winner of the Kim Diehl "Simple Whatnots" Club Contest. Although every entry was beautiful we had to choose only one. Congratulations to Debbie Wick of Elmira, NY! We will be contacting you after the holiday. Thank you to all who entered.

[Heritage Hollow by Kim Diehl]

Welcome to the eighth day of the “A Flair for Fabric” blog hop, and thank you so much for taking this journey with us. I hope that you’ve been enjoying the designer posts as much as I have, along with the tips and tidbits that have been shared, and of course…the give-aways!

While I’m proud to be one of several Henry Glass designers who donated projects to this book to help benefit the Red Cross, receiving my copy in the mail recently was my first chance to see everything all finished up and looking like a “real” book. I was so excited to actually hold it in my hands that I ripped into the package and was completely glued to the pages as I read it from cover to cover. 

There are TONS of projects in this book, including my "Garden Bramble" patchwork and appliqué quilt.

And several more sewing and quilting projects that will leave you itching to stitch, including:
[Caboodle Quilting Caddy by Leanne Anderson]

[Starburst Maple Delight By Janet Nesbitt]

What a well-rounded collection of goodies, and the designer tips and fabric solutions that have been shared left me a little smarter than I was when I began reading. I love that!  
Here’s one more little tip I’d like to share with you – my favorite thing to do when I’m choosing prints for my scrap quilts is to include a “zinger”. What’s a zinger? It’s my nickname for a print that’s just a tiny bit “off” and doesn’t perfectly match the other prints I’ve chosen. Zingers add magic! I’ve learned to always use these prints more than once so their inclusion looks intentional, and I space them around my quilt top to give it a balanced look. In my Country Haven quilt, my zinger is the bright lavender print – if I were to take this away, some of the sparkle would be gone, don’t you think?

 [Country Haven, from Simple Appeal]

Do you have a favorite color that you can’t resist putting into each scrap quilt? Something you think of as your own personal zinger that works magic for you? Share it with me by December 3, 2014 at midnight and I’ll draw two winners from your entries – someone will receive a fabric bundle from Henry Glass Fabrics, and I’ll send someone else a bundle of 16 assorted print fat quarters gathered from my fabric collections. It’s like an instant scrap quilt waiting to happen…with any luck, your favorite zinger color will be included!
- Kim
Thank you Kim!
Happy Thanksgiving!
- HG

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" - Anni Downs

Today, Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched, is the blogger of the day for the "A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop. Anni's beautifully muted colors but fresh and fun designs can be seen in many of her collections for Henry Glass. Her latest collections are "About A Boy ... About A Girl" and "Under The Mistletoe."  "About A Boy ... About A Girl" should be in the stores this month.

Go and check out her blog today to see what she says about our book "A Flair For Fabric." 

Yesterday, designer Linda Lum DeBono was on the American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast. In case you missed it, you can now download it to listen to the interview.

Our "Countdown To The Holidays" event is continuing this week. We are Santa's helpers and love giving out our fabric!

Have a great day!


Monday, November 24, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Linda Lum DeBono

Designer Linda Lum DeBono was sitting in Houston in 2012 with the rest of the HG crew. Her flight had been canceled twice because of the impending storm, Hurricane Sandy. She got home safely and her family was not badly affected but there were many who were. She decided she would call out to her friends in the industry to help put this project together.  It is her turn on this blog hop. Read about her project on her post today.

Later today Linda will be on the "American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast" with Pat Sloan. Make sure that you listen in today at 4 p.m. EST by linking here

As for giveaways, we still have Janet Nesbitt's giveaway going on until November 28th. Check out her post last week for details.

We are continuing with our "Countdown To The Holidays" event. This week we are giving away a bundle of "Cocoa & Cookies" by Shelly Comiskey. [Random selection from the collection.]  Good luck!

Have a great week!
- HG

Saturday, November 22, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Janet Nesbitt

It has been a fun week on the "A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop! Thanks to all of the blog hoppers so far and to you for following along. You can see the details for the blog hop here and here.

Today we welcome, Janet Nesbitt, to the hop. She is posting on the Henry Glass blog for today.

Janet and the other Henry Glass designers, Dana Brooks, Linda Lum DeBono, Mary Ellen Von Holt and Leanne Anderson,  had a lot of fun meeting everyone at the book signing at Quilt Market a few weeks ago. She is working on some new collections for Henry Glass. All of her beautiful collections can be seen on the Henry Glass website.

[L-R:  Dana Brooks, Linda Lum DeBono, Mary Ellen Von Holt, Janet Nesbitt, Leanne Anderson]

Janet is the special guest today on the "A Flair For Fabric" book tour. Take it away Janet.

"A Flair For Fabric" - A new release!

This book has excellent tips on how to mix fabrics as well as 14 great, wide ranging projects, including:

Posy Pot Heat Bagby Annie Downs, perfect for heating up and putting on your tired shoulder or neck after a day of piecing!

Days Gone Byby Little Quilts which makes me remember my Grandma and the quilts she made for my dolls, although none were nearly as nice as this!

my quilt, Starburst Maple Delight

As well as many more!

When Im piecing, I often use a phrase of my moms its good enough for who its forsince many of, what we might think of as our piecing deficiencies, will either press out, or quilt out, or simply just not be that noticeable after the quilt is completed.  In other words, I dont sweat the small stuff if my seams arent precisely matched and my points pointy!  But color is a different matter and if theres an offending piece of fabric that continues to jump out at me after Ive let it reston the floor over night, then out comes the seam ripper!  But only you can decide what you can live with!  You quilt for your enjoyment, so ENJOY!!  And I know youre absolutely going to enjoy this book!

Another thing you might enjoy as well, is this fabulous prize!!  A bundle of Annie Downs About a Boy About a GirlFabric!! 
All you have to do, is comment here and tell me:

 Do you like to piece with a select number of fabrics, or are you a scrap quilter, or do you swing both ways?“ and you will be automatically entered to win!! Deadline: Friday, November 28, 2014 at midnight. 

And even better, there are lots more days to hop around, pick up additional tips, and enter to win even more fabulous prizes!!  You wont want to miss a day, so check out the schedule below, have fun and thanks for helping us support this worthy cause!

Thanks Janet!

This Monday, Linda Lum DeBono will be talking about "A Flair For Fabric" on the American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast . Tune in at 4 p.m. EST to listen!

Good luck!


Friday, November 21, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - American Patchwork & Quilting

We welcome American Patchwork & Quilting magazine on the "A Flair For Fabric" Book Tour. Many of our designers have been published in this wonderful magazine. Their latest issue offers lots of tips to tackle that stash of fabrics and in-progress projects. Head over to the American Patchwork & Quilting blog and read all about the great tips that their editors have to offer.

The website is showcasing many holiday projects right now. The featured ones include three quilts and several greeting card designs by Linda Lum DeBono. Their featured list has many beautiful holiday designs that are fast and easy.

Linda will be on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio on Monday with Pat Sloan to talk about the book. Make sure that you tune in Monday at 4 p.m.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Leanne Anderson

Thanks for following along on this hop. It has been fun reading the comments so far. If you are just starting out with us, you can go back and read the posts by Martingale and Dana.

Today designer Leanne Anderson of The Whole Country Caboodle will be posting. Like Dana, she has designed many lines for Henry Glass. Recently, she has collaborated with her daughter Kaytlyn to design a couple of collections as well. All of the collections feature positive and loving messages along with their signature critters and creatures.

One of the new lines that she has coming out next year is "Why?" and Leanne included a book and panel in the collection. So sweet!

We visited Leanne's booth at Quilt Market in Houston recently. She shared her latest designs with us. 

We got some photographs of Leanne in action at Quilt Market. [We have updated our post yesterday to include some photographs of Dana's fun time at Quilt Market too. Click here to go to the post.]

As a reminder, we are currently running our weekly "Countdown To The Holidays" event. Click on the photograph to get the details.

Good luck and go over to Leanne's blog for her fun post.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"A Flair For Fabric" Blog Hop - Dana Brooks

Thank you for following us along on the "A Flair For Fabric" Book Hop. Today designer Dana Brooks of My Lazy Daisy is going to show you her project from our book, "A Flair For Fabric" and she'll be sharing a fabric tip. Of course, we are going to give away some fabric and a copy of the book. There is a drawing for most of the posts each day. If you are new to the hop, all details are on the Martingale blog and on our post here. Each day there will be an opportunity to win fabric and a copy of the book.

Dana's latest collection "Steppin' Out" should be available in your local quilt shops this month. She has a couple of other collections coming out next spring. Make sure that you stay in touch by following this blog [sign up at the right sidebar], liking our Facebook page, following our Twitter page or signing up for our newsletter.

We took some photographs of Dana working her magic at Quilt Market. There one of Martingale's Chief Visionary Officer talking about Dana's pillow at their Schoolhouse.

"The Countdown To The Holidays" event is still continuing every Monday for the next while. Each Monday we have been playing Santa's helpers by giving away a bundle of fabric from our beautiful collections. Join us each week!

Have fun!