It's party time!
Let's Celebrate is a versatile collection of all things fun! Balloons, candles, cakes highlight this bright collection of fabric designed by Beth Logan of ArtStuff, Ltd.
This collection is shipping now!
Hurry into your local quilt shop to pick up a party!
I have never been to QuiltCon but would love to attend some day!
I have been to QuiltCon and thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommend it to others and I want to attend again. And, I think this new line of fabric would be super fun to create with. I wish I had it now as I have a friend who has a birthday this Saturday. Would be fun to make special gifts with this collection.
Nope never been...Bet it would be as fun as this fabric
I have never been to QuiltCon.
Like many I would love to go to Quilt Con as I have never been!
I have never been to Quilt Con and am not going this year. Someday, I hope to get the opportunity to go some day.
I have never been to Quilt Con but I hope to go one day.
I haven't been, but I'd love to!
I've never been to QuiltCon, but it sounds like a lot of fun.
no..have never been to Quiltcon...know would be AWESOME experience!! Maybe "Someday"!! :)
Thank you for chance to win your fun Give-a-way too! :D
I haven't been to Quiltcon yet, hope to go next year. All the people I know who went love it. The fabrics are cute.
Never been to Quilt Con. I browsed our blog and love the fabric Country Cuisine. Could you tell me if the red is a barn red or bright red? It's hard to tell online. And that is where I would purchase it. No quilt shops close by. I want to make a table topper with this.
Thanks for the giveaway too.
No I cant make it this year
Only through blogs I follow. :)
Would love to go to Quilt COn but it has never been close enough for me to attend. Maybe one day!
Sandy A
Never go to quilt events outside NW Iowa. Really like the new "balloons" fabrics!
Bright and fun. Definitely looks like a party.
I would love to attend if it ever comes to my area.
No, not yet, but one day...
Haven't been to QuiltCon, but I'd love to go sometime soon. Thanks.
I have never been to QuiltCon, but boy would I love to go. Maybe next year, I hope!
I would love to go to QuiltCon because I have never been to it before. Thanks for the cutest ever giveaway.
I've never been to QuiltCon but hope to go one of these years.
I have not been to QuiltCon but hope to go in a few years. I follow whatever I can through various posts.
I have never been to QuiltCon, but would love to go.
This is so cute, and would make a fun banner for celebrations. I hope to get to Quilt Con one day, but haven't been yet. Thanks.
I have never been to QuiltCon but if I could I would love to attend it. What fun to see all those beautiful quilts!
I have never been to QuiltCon but it sounds like fun.
No I've never been to QuiltCon. What a cute fabric bundle!
I've never attended QuiltCon. Maybe in the future. :)
I've never been to Quilt Con, but would love to go some day!
Love the cute prints in this collection!! As for QuiltCon, its on my list of things i want to do!!
Cute prints! I have never been to Quiltcon.
I have never been to QuiltCon. Would love to attend in the future! Thank you,
Never been to Quilt Con, sounds like fun though!
I've never been to Quilt Con.
HI,no I've not been to Quilt Con>sounds great though! Thank You for this adorable fabric Bundle!
perfect bday prints i have never been to quiltcon
The Birthday fabric is so pretty!! I have never been to Quilt Con. Thank you!!
I'm wondering why people keep commenting about the Quiltcon? I don't see any questions for it--am I missing something?
Anyway--this fabric is adorable--what a fun boutique girl's outfit this would make for a birthday party! I would love the opportunity to make one if I won this bundle!!
I will definitely look for it when I go to my sewing mastery class this Thursday night!!
Cute, cute, cute!
sadly no - but it is on my bucket list
I follow Quiltcon thru Instagram and blogs. It looks fabulous. Would love to see the beautiful quilts and booths in person some day, but I live so far away! Fuel I'll have to admire it from afar.
Some day if it's nearby...
Great fabric bundle!
I have never been to QuiltCon, but it is on my bucket list of things to do! Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I have it on my "to do" for 2018
Love this fabric. I have not been to Quilt Con.
Beautiful, cheerful fabric. I have never been to Quilt Con.
So fun fabrics.I have never been to QuiltCon.
I have never been to QuiltCon but would love to go some day.
lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
Never been to Quiltcon would love to go though. Love the birthday fabrics they are gorgeous!
I have never been to Quiltcon.
I have never been to Quilt Con but would like to go someday. okruhlik6(at)aol(dot)com
Never been there, but would like to see what it is like at least once.
I've never been there, will probably never be able to go...
I've never been to Quilt Con but maybe someday. The Let's Celebrate fabric line looks like so much fun. Nlien
Never been, but would love to go.
I have not attended a Quiltcon yet but Tennessee is on my list.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Never been to Quiltcon, but maybe someday. :)
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