Monday, June 29, 2015

Let's Get Quilting - June 29, 2015 Edition

Hello Monday!

It's a beautiful morning and time for another Let's Get Quilting giveaway. Congratulations to the winner from last week's giveaway, Kathy E.

School's out and it is time to be outside. Leanne Anderson's Clearwater Critters is a fun collection that reminds of the outdoors. Owls, birds, rabbits and yes, even skunks, are so sweet.


Good luck!

 - HG


Gill said...

Not yet but I probably should be!!

Lynda said...

I have made two throws for christmas from christmas fabrics that I have had for several years now - that is about as close as I can bring myself to think about christmas this time of the year....I am usually one of those last minute makers.

Annmarie said...

I love giving table runners as Christmas gifts. I just started making my list yesterday!

Anonymous said...

HI,yes I'm thinking about it and that's about all! Would like to make a tree skirt for my daughter;maybe some place mats for others. Thank You for another neat Giveaway!

Lisa England said...

I make Christmas gifts all year long!

mumbird3 said...

AAUUUGHGHHHHH! Christmas plans already!!! Not yet!!!! LOL but maybe soon!

mumbird3 said...

AAUUUGHGHHHHH! Christmas plans already!!! Not yet!!!! LOL but maybe soon!

Anonymous said...

Christmas present projects are definitely on my mind already. I only have so much time and I am slow! I probably should have started in January. Haha :)

determineddebby at gmail dot com

JoyceLM said...

I'm starting to think about Christmas presents (when I see some neat things to make), but I usually don't start sewing until November. Thanks.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I haven't thought of Christmas yet - we haven't even had a Spring and it is now Summer which is still cold and very wet.

DebrafromMD said...

Love the colors in these fabrics.

Rosa said...

So gorgeous line.One of my present quilt will be a wallhanging.

Rosa said...

So gorgeous.One of my quilt present will be make a wallhanging I spy a beautiful QAL and hope to join it!!

amy said...

Yes I am working on a couple quilts for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Have a couple of kiddie quilts in mind for Christmas, but haven't started on them yet! Too early? =)

LeAnne said...

Christmas? Already? No way. I wait until November.

Kathy Davis said...

No, I hadn't thought about making Christmas items/gifts yet.

Farm Quilter said...

Thinking, yes, doing...not so much!! Need to get wedding and challenge quilts finished first!

Sandy D said...

I have already have one qChristmas quilt top done and I picking out a fabric for a second.

Jen Barnard said...

No, I'm not. I may not make any anyway.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Anonymous said...

I haven't even thought about Christmas yet! I might make pillowcases for gifts.

Betsy said...

I'm already working on a quilt and a tree skirt

Anonymous said...

I haven't even thought about Christmas yet! I might make pillowcases for gifts.

Betsy said...

I am working on a quilt and a tree skirt so far

Mom C said...

I have started buying flannel and fleece for PJs for Christmas but nothing else. Thanks.

Karen said...

I have started thinking about Christmas gifts already. My daughter got married 2 months ago so I am thinking about making Christmas stockings or a tree skirt.

Vicki H said...

I usually make my mom and sister gifts. I don't know what I will be making yet.

Dody said...

No , not yet. But I am thinking about making a tree skirt.

quilter said...

Too soon for me to think of Christmas!

Kaye M. said...

I have been thinking about making some Christmas tree napkins to use when my quilt club comes to my house in December, but I haven't made them yet!

WoolenSails said...

I am thinking and will start getting some quilts ready and gifts to make.
I even bought a few bags of crushed pine, while I was in maine, so I can make mini pillows to give as gifts.


Janie said...

Yes, I am. I love Christmas and If I don't get an early start I feel rushed. Lovely fabric. Thank you for the giveaway.

Michele T said...

Of course I'm thinking about making gifts for Christmas!!! I like to be prepared😉

OhioLori said...

Yes! Have started a Throw, and some baby gifts, and doll far...for my start on Christmas gifts! lol I also always make Jamma's for the Kiddo's too! :)

Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way too! Yay!

lfhpueblo said...

Lauralee Hensley lfhpueblo (at) msn (dot) com
Yes I'm thinking about making Christmas presents, but knowing me probably won't actually start making them until September.

OhioLori said...

Making a Throw, baby items & doll start for Christmas gifts....always make new Jamma's for all the Kiddo's & Grankiddo's now too :)

Thanks for chance to win! :)

Joanna said...

Even if I don't plan ahead to make a Christmas gift, I usually do sew something and can be found finishing it up on Christmas Eve. I think it's becoming one of my traditions.

scottylover said...

Have a few ideas running around in my head, but haven't decided yet what I want to make for Christmas presents this year. I need to get a couple of WIPs done before I can jump in on Christmas stuff!
Sandy A

Kathy E. said...

Thinking is as close as I've come to actually making any Christmas gifts yet. There are still so many things I want to sew for the summer that I can hardly keep up!

Renea said...

I am always on the lookout for ideas for Christmas presents. It happens all year long!! :) Thanks for the great giveaway.

Linda B said...

Oh yes I have definitely been thinking about what I am going to make for Christmas.....

Rina Mason said...

I've already started on Christmas gifts.

Béa said...

I make Christmas gifts all the year.

GranChris said...

I have one Christmas present done. I have a lot more to make, who knows if I will finish them.

Dee said...

LeAnn always does a beautiful job. An artist

Debbie Rogowski said...

I've always got Christmas gifts in my head. Sometimes I can't stand it and give them to friends and family "just because" it's so much fun

Kim White said...

Fun Fabric

Denise said...

Always thinking about Christmas gifts!

Kathy said...

love the critters - too cute

Nancy said...

I have not thought that far yet! LOL!

Joyce Carter said...

Nooo! With the temps in the high 90's it is hard to think about Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I've got my ideas for this year's Christmas projects and I'll be ready to start after shopping for some new Christmas fabrics.

sugar_lin2 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Not yet, but I should. Thank you! :)

~Laurie~ said...

YES! Already thinking of Christmas. I'm thinking of making some crafts to sell this year - so it's time already for planning and sewing. This bundle is wonderful - fingers crossed that I win!!

Unknown said...

I am making pieced oven gloves in CHristmas fabric, and using tea towel fabric I am making Christmas tea towels.

Anonymous said...

No, not making Christmas presents yet, but making a quilted Christmas tablecloth and matching curtains for my kitchen. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about it, but still working on quilts for customers... which, of course, are for Christmas presents...

Anna brown said...

Ohhhh yess every time you nice people post lovely christmas fabric i get dreams in my keep it

Quilting Jeannie said...

I have my thinking cap on for Christmas. I'm thinking placemats. Also thinking two sided quilts. Christmas theme pieced side and geometric pieced side. thanks.

Quilting Jeannie said...

I have my thinking cap on for Christmas. I'm thinking placemats. Also thinking two sided quilts. Christmas theme pieced side and geometric pieced side.
Thanks for the giveaway.

JANET said...

Just at the "thinking" stage. Thinking it is coming up, thinking I should start now so I won't be rushed, thinking I really should get serious sooner this year, that kind of thinking! lol

Sandra said...

A Christmas wall hanging is first on my list then some stuffed Christmas ornaments. July is not too early to start!

Sandra said...

A Christmas wall hanging is first on my list then some stuffed Christmas ornaments. July is not too early to start!

Barb said...

I have all sons so I am constantly trying to think of something fun to make the young men.

Unknown said...

Thinking about Christmas gifts but trying to catch up with things already in progress!! Trying to put a dent in my stash too!!

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Oh gosh, no, I'm not thinking Christmas presents yet! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @

Cathie said...

Gosh, I'm still trying to get birthday presents done!!!

Cathie said...

Gosh no, I'm still trying to get birthdays out of the way!

Robin said...


Barb Neiwert said...

Yes, July is my time to start any quilts I plan to make for Christmas, and to start thinking about a new Christmas decoration for my own home. This year I'm planning on place mats. When it's 100 degrees outside, it's nice to think about snow :)

Karen said...

I'm starting to gather ideas for this year. Also have two tops that need quilted that I can gift.

JMaggio said...

Christmas always comes to soon.

Anonymous said...

I am in the process of creating table runners for my 3 sisters! Let's call it Christmas in July!!

Judy1522 said...

I have thought about it but that is probably as far as it will get until closer to Christmas.

Katy M said...

I've already made 2 quilt tops for new babies first Christmas gifts. I started in August last year and was still sewing things at the last minute so I've started even earlier this year!

mlhummy said...

I've made a tentative list and sort of started checking out ideas. That's about it so far. :)

Kristy said...

Yes! I have stockings on my cutting table! :)

Emily C said...

I am currently planning out what I will make for Christmas. Just got a new job, so not sure how my office handles Christmas presents, yet.

Cori said...

Making Christmas gifts, picnic bags and quilts. What an awesome giveaway

ledamewood said...

I was, then was distracted by requests for a bunch of dog beds.

RoseAndCons said...

just started planning a quilt for my best friend who moved away last year. it will be my biggest quilt yet so i figured i would get a head start on it!

Anonymous said...

I have a few ideas for gifts but I think I'll enjoy the summer before starting to make gifts for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even thought about it yet, but I should. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Sandy N