Good morning! It's a rainy Monday morning here in NYC and we think that it is the perfect weather for staying inside and doing a little quilting if you can. We are going to inspire you to do just that by hosting another Let's Get Quilting giveaway.
First, congratulations to Michele Timms. You are the winner of our Let's Get Quilting giveaway from June 8, 2015. Please contact us here to claim your prize.
This week we are giving away a bundle of Here Fishy Fishy by Heathere Mulder Peterson of Anka's Treasures. Let us know your what your favorite quilting notion is.
We visited Heather in her booth at Quilt Market recently. She shared her latest designs with us. Check out her video here. Enjoy!
Good luck!
- HG
I love the extra long, fine, glass head pins.
Rotary Cutter!
Rotary cutter!
Cute fabrics! My favorite notion is my 28mm rotary cutter.
My favorite notion is my Olfa ergonomic rotary cutter - love it! Thanks.
It wasn't intended as a quilting notion, but I love my wooden wallpaper seam roller for flattening seams and for jobs where I might otherwise do finger pressing. Great for paper piecing!
Lately my favorite notion is the Edge Rotary cutter. I get a much longer life out of my blades with this tool.
My favorite quilting notion is my little thread nippers, they're fast and save my fingers.
Definitely the rotary cutter.
My rotary cutter is my favorite notion. I remember what it was like before in the stone age!
It has to be my rotary cutter. Thank you for the giveaways!
It has to be my rotary cutter. Thank you for the giveaways!
I love my sharp pointed applique scissors. Thanks for the chance to win!
I don't know if this is a
"notion" but I love my adhesive spray for making the quilt sandwich. I dislike pinning them. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I love my rotary cutter!
I have a small sewing scissors with a curved tip blade. I think it is an embroidery scissors but I love it for cutting threads - it cuts them really short!
My walking foot is mine.
I love my stiletto............and my grandmas
Rotary cutter, mat, and ruler. They are a team, and do not work as well separately, but together, will take you as far as you want to go!
I couldn't be without my quilting rulers (and stitch ripper!)
Love the 60 mms Olga rotary cutter!
Love the 60 mm Olfa rotary cutter!
Clover glass head piecing pins :)
It has to be the rotary cutter!
Heather is an amazing designer and teacher love my thomble and rotary cutter
Love Heather and love my thimble
Rotary cutter - certainly makes cutting out quilts so much easier!
I would be lost without my 6"x 24" ruler.
My thread snips.
I do love a rotary cutter, but there is something so great about really sharp scisors!
(logged into the giveaway thing as debbyg**** at yahoo dot com
My favorite notion....would be that purple thang! Loved it when it first came out and still love it today! onlydiamonds at hotmail dot com
My favorite notion is my 6" square up ruler. It helps all the "pieces" fit together nicely! :)
Sandy A
Seam ripper!
I love my rotary cutter (and mat of course)!
My favorite quilting notion is my Rotary Cutter.
My rotary cutter and 6x24 ruler! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com
I think my seam ripper is my favorite because it is always in my hand
My most favorite notion is my Havel Ultra Pro Seam Ripper. I cannot do a thing without that nearby. I first bought one when I first got my Viking Embroidery Machine after a class at the dealer and using the teachers seam ripper. BEST seam ripper ever.
My favorite quilting Notion HAS to be my Rotary Cutter! :)
seam ripper!
If I must pick only one--and wouldn't my grandmother think any one of my notions was a luxury?--I'd say my titanium rotary cutter. Love it.
Rotary cutter for sure!
I couldn't live without my seam ripper.
sugar_lin2 at hotmail dot com
A rotating cutting mat. This is such a cute fabric collection. Thanks for the giveaway.
Clover wonder clips! So helpful when binding projects.
My June Taylor ruler. Love it! Thanks for the cute giveaway.
My rotary cutter with a sharp blade in it. Of course I would need my rulers also.
My favorite is my seam ripper - I use it so often
My favorite quilting notion will always be my rotary cutter.
I don't know if I can call it my "favorite", but being a newbie, I have come to love my seam ripper. :)
The Rotary Cutter :)
Definitely rotary cutter.
I really like the rotary cutter. I makes cutting so much easier
my little snippers, actually since the last quilt show I have about 8 pairs of them :)
My seam ripper. Geez, I still make tons of mistakes
It's my seam ripper! A favorite sewing machine item is my machine lint brush!
Small hook crochet hook. Yes, for quilting, it can do so much to help in quilting.
My rotary cutter for sure! And I also really rely on my rulers!
got to be my rotary cutter - save so much time
I agree with most of the comments - my rotary cutter. But, I have(hate) to admit that my 2nd favorite is my seam ripper. Seems like it gets a good workout some days.
My favourite notion is my rotary cutter.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I like the wonder clips for binding; no more pin pricks all the way to the finish line!
The rotary cutter. I'm old enough I remember cutting out every piece of fabric with scissors and thank heavens for the rotary cutter. Speed and Accuracy in one fell swoop! Thanks.
I love the clover clips.
Where would I be without a rotary cutter! jarvenpa1ne at gmail dot com
I love my Clover Clips! thanks!
I couldn't do without my rotary cutter.
Besides my rotary cutter, I love my quilting rulers that help me cut straight lines and measure strips.
I think my favoeite quilting notion is my rotary cutter. Or possibly my clear rulers. Both are so useful. :)
My favourites are my rotary cutter, disappearing pen and bamboo creaser
My favorite tool is my sewing machine , can't do much without it ;-) Thanks for the chance .
For sure it's the Rotary Cutter.
For sure the Rotary Cutter.
I love my omnigrid rulers!
My favorite notion is both rotary and cutting mat!
My sewing machine! Just love her!
I love my very sharp seam ripper. Hate to use it but as long as it is sharp it makes the ripping task go so much faster.
Kim White
My fav notion is .25 inch foot.
Would have to be the rotary cutter
I was gonna try to answer something different...but really, my rotary cutter is my absolute favorite.
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