Got the winter doldrums? We are heading to sunny Southern California and the Road to California Quilt Show on January 15-18, 2009. Why don’t you meet us there? I am a big fan of this event. The people are terrific and we always have a great time. We are teaching a Learn to Needleturn appliqué class on Friday and Saturday night and have been getting gift bags together for our students. All I can tell you is that they will be very spoiled!!!! Look for photos on our blog
http://www.quiltsoupblog.com/. If you are attending “Road” stop by and say hello. If you have made one of our quilts, please bring it by for show and tell.

Bubblegum Basics”, our new fabric line for
Henry Glass and Co. is almost here! We have received strike-offs and are anxiously awaiting our yardage. We have some very fun ideas in mind. You can see the entire collection online at

The recipe box needs replenishing. Submit your best soup recipe by January 30, 2009. We will also accept entries in person at Road to California. We will put your name and recipe in the hat and draw 3 winners on Feb 1. You might just win a little free fabric!
The soup recipe this time is a Hamburger Vegetable Tortellini Soup.
http://www.quiltsoup.com/soup_to_nuts.htmlNew Year’s Resolutions? I plan to update the blog on a regular basis (I have done a pitiful job so far) and slim myself down a little bit. Now that I have publicity committed to do these things, it should be a snap, right?!!!!!!
Until next time,
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