Barbara Jones writes for HG BLOG... "The strike offs of Bubblegum Basics have all arrived! Most of you know that strike-offs are little test samples for each fabric in a collection that the textile mill prepares. The textile mill sends strike-offs to the design director (in my case it is Karen see her in our market photos) at the fabric company (Henry Glass & Co). This person looks the fabric over carefully to be certain there are no problems with the printing and they send a set of strike-offs back to the designer (me) for review. It is always an exciting time because this is the first time I see the designs on actual fabric! There can be some surprises and sometimes there are minor changes that need to be made before the mill makes oodles of yards of a particular design".

Oh, I love this line. I sure would like to design a quilt from that line!!!! Hint hint!!! It is adorable fabric. I want to buy some as soon as I can find it!!!
Too cute!
desperately looking for the white fabric with 2-3 inch flowers used for the border in the bubblegum fun quilt. I need 1 yard and will take all I can get. Any help?
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