Saturday, December 30, 2017

December's Desire to Inspire Challenger Shows Off "Farm Life"

Sandie Larsen

Farm Life Fabric Arrival

A note from Sandie:

Oh I had so much fun with this!!

I made snack mats, soft bowls for small snacks, and zipper snack bags for taking along on day trips. I'm sorry if my pix are a little dark~ it is freezing here, dark, gloomy and the ground is covered with snow & ice, so I couldn't go outdoors for pix. :-/

I drew an image of the barn on freezer paper from the barn on the fabric for the snack mats. 
Then to hold the bias tape in place while I sewed, I used a double sided fusible tape. It worked great!  (pix 295 and 297)

I placed all the pieces on the batting, adding a backing and then quilted around the barn, barn doors & silo. I did organic wavy lines through the barn.  The little chick fabric made the cute binding.  The bowls are a smaller version of those microwave bowl cozies you see on-line, but I did not use microwave batting. I wanted these to be for my DGS in his high chair, they could be placed around a bowl, but they could also just be used for snacks~ gold fish, crackers, carrots etc. No harm done if he tosses his bowl! LOL (I was having such fun I forgot to take more photos!)

The zipper bags are all lined with rip-stop nylon. I did a lot of on-line research and found it is safe to use for food and many families have been using it for years. I guess I am just a little behind the times! LOL  I put grommets in the larger bags so they could be attached to a stroller or back pack. There are no exposed seams on the inside for any of the bags.  I didn't have any patterns, just made up the sizes as I went along. ;-)

Thank you so much for this opportunity! I enjoyed every minute behind my machine and dreaming about what to make. I know this is a very busy time of year-- I did oodles of Christmas sewing, but I often found myself playing around with these cute fabrics instead of doing the projects I should have finished. LOL Luckily I did get everything done I planned to do. I will be posting my Christmas sewing on my blog as time permits.

Happy New Year!

For more fun with Sandie, follow her blog at   

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

January's Desire to Inspire is looking for a Challenger? Is it you?

As the Challenger in our Desire to Inspire feature you will get a bunch of free fabric to make things with in the month of January. At the end of the month, all you need to do is to send us the pictures of all your wonderful creations which we will post here on the blog!
You get to keep all the fabric and your projects!! How great is that?

So, who's in? Here is how this works...

1. Put your name in the hat by sending an email to Be sure to include a photo or two of your latest or greatest projects, just so we know you are for real and can do this.
2. We pick a winner and send out fabric FedEx so you can start on your quest as soon as possible. 
3. You sew in a flurry and frenzy all through January, and send us your project pictures and a little bio about yourself by the end of the month.  

Here is the full collection of My Back Porch, which shipped to stores in December. 
You will get several pieces from this collection in your package.

Let's Get Quilting says Happy New Year!

Taking a break from our giveaways this week to wish all of you a Happy New Year! Stop in next week for a whole new year of fabulous prizes!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Let's Get Quilting - 6 pc Houndstooth Basics by Leanne Anderson and The Whole Country Caboodle

It's nearly Christmas and what better way to celebrate YOU then to sign up for a chance at some FREE Fabric.

First though, we want to thank you for being a loyal follower of the Henry Glass blog this year. We had over 8000 people sign up in this contest spot and we gave away over 300 yards of fabric to lucky viewers this year. Our new rule for 2018 is that you can only win once in the calendar year, so we can spread the joy around.

Here is a glimpse of the whole collection of the Houndstooth Basics.

Houndstooth Basics

Desire to Inspire - December Farm Life - has a Challenger

We were so busy with our Holiday Progressive Dinner Party on the blog, that we didn't even have a moment to introduce the challenger for the December Desire to Inspire Challenge!

Meet Sandie Larsen, she is a quilter, crafter and bagineer from Lakewood, WA. 

Sandie Larsen

You can find her on Instagram as @crazyboutquilts and on Facebook as Sandie Larsen. She also has a blog where she keeps track of the crazy sewing life ~ with always more than one project going!  Check it out here:  

Here is a bit about her: 
My DH was in the Army for 30 years & when he retired we were stationed in Washington with two of our kids in school here; making the decision to stay was really easy!  Plus we love WA!  We have 3 children and 3 grandkiddos. Unfortunately the grands do not live near us!  My very first quilt was a farm quilt for our oldest son when he graduated from his crib to a twin bed. It will be awesome fun to play with these fabrics and make something for his youngest son. (now 16 months).  Thanks so much for the opportunity!

The fabric arrived! 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Henry Glass Designers' Progressive Dinner Party - Day 8 Kim Diehl

Our final day of the Holiday Progressive Dinner Party is hosted by Kim Diehl. Kim's seasonal collection is called "Farmstead Harvest" which will ship in April 2018.

Farmstead Harvest Collection

Favorite Christmas Memory

While growing up, my parents made Christmas a really magical time of year. One of my favorite memories as a little kid was driving home from grandma’s house on Christmas Eve, when my dad suddenly exclaimed, “Look! I just saw Santa’s sleigh and Rudolph fly behind those clouds!!” I spent the whole rest of the drive with my nose pressed against the glass, fogging up the car window while I looked for Santa.

            Now that I’m all grown up and a nana with two toddler grandies, I go all out to make things just as special for them; this means lots of quilts, evergreens, sparkling lights, and yummy treats like my Caramel Apple Cheesecake. I hope you enjoy the recipe!
            And because I’m sure you’re all on Santa’s “good” list, here’s an extra holiday gift from me to you – free downloadable directions for this fun little Farmstead Game Board quilt, created with my upcoming Farmstead Harvest collection.

Download link is below

            To end this dessert course on a REALLY sweet note, please share your favorite holiday treat with me between now and Tuesday, December 12th. (See Giveaway Box below) I’ll randomly choose two winners and Santa will deliver a signed copy of my Simple Harvest and Simple Christmas Tidings books to each of you. Ho, ho, ho!!!

~ Kim

Day 8 Recipe - Dessert

Here is a  FREE PROJECT for you: 

Click to Download PDF Instructions

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Henry Glass Designers Progressive Dinner Party - Day 7 Anni Downs

Meet Anni Downs, our designer from Down Under. The Australian designs of her studio and shop "Hatched and Patched" have found a warm welcome in the United States and particularly this beautiful Christmas collection, called "Home for Christmas" which will ship in May of 2018.

Home for Christmas Collection

Day 7 - Recipe Holiday Beverage

Here are some FREE PROJECTS for you: 

Click to download a PDF of the project

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Henry Glass Designers Progressive Dinner Party - Day 6 Jan Shade Beach

Meet Jan Shade Beach

Meet Jan Shade Beach, a designer who LOVES Christmas. Jan has two collections this holiday season that were released in October and will ship into quilt shops in May 2018. Put both on your wishlist! 

Holiday Wishes Collection

Frosty Friends 2-ply Flannel

Favorite Christmas Memory

My son, Kyle, moved to the Netherlands from 2011-2015 to get his PhD in Aerospace Science.  He was so many time zones ahead and seemed so far away.  We couldn’t wait for him to come home for Christmas each year, but especially that first year.  I decided to make several signs to hold and have everyone wear Christmas hats to the airport to pick him up.  There were many families there to pick up their loved ones, but no one was quite as excited as we were.  Before long the whole crowd at the airport waiting was anxious for us to be reunited with Kyle.  When my son turned the corner and saw us all there waiting his face lit up and he was smiling from ear to ear.  Everyone cheered and hugged . . . . . it was the best moment ever!
Jan Shade Beach and family welcome home her son, Kyle.

Day 6 Recipe - Salad

Holiday Wishes Free Patterns 

Holiday Wishes Quilt #1 (CLICK FOR PDF)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Henry Glass Designers' Progressive Dinner Party - Day 5 Mary Jane Carey

Meet Mary Jane Carey of Holly Hill Quilt Designs. She is a quilter, sewer and inexhaustible in her busy life of traveling and vending at quilt shows across the USA. Her holiday collection is "Ring in the Holly Days."

Ring in the Holly Days

Favorite Christmas Memories

Here I am on a horse, dressed up like a cowgirl

Curly perm for the holidays

Fell asleep at the Christmas party

Christmas in color!!

Got a kitten for Christmas

Day 5 - Main Dish Recipe

Here are some FREE PROJECTS for you: