My favorite summer drink:
On a nice hot day a chilled glass of Chardonnay is called for, but as I live in England and hot days are not that frequent, a nice glass of mulled wine is great for warming you up after a blustery day on the beach!
My recipe for Mulled Wine:
In a pan warm a bottle of your favorite red wine, add honey (to taste, I like mine nice and sweet!), sliced oranges, cinnamon sticks, ground cinnamon, a good grating of fresh nutmeg and a few teaspoons of brown sugar (again to taste). Just let your mulled wine warm in the pan (do not boil!) and infuse for about 15 mins. to 30 mins. (I can never wait any longer than this, but you can!) and then it's ready to drink and warm you from the end of your nose to the tips of your toes!
My absolute favorite ice cream flavor:
Rum and raisin, not forgetting a chocolate flake added to finish off!
Mary Jane Carey of Holly Hill Quilt Design is our next guest here at the Summer Party!
Best vacation spot:
Key West for winter beach time and lake Winnipesaukee for summer fun. My favorite vacations as a kid were going to Wisconsin to visit my grandparents on their dairy farm. I got to help milk the cows, feed the baby lambs with a bottle and then visit lots and lots of cousins. It was heaven for a little girl from Los Angeles! I even had a "barn jacket" that I didn't want my Mom to wash because I loved the barn smell.
Favorite summer drink:
Iced Celestial Seasonings tangerine orange tea.
Favorite ice cream:
Definitely mint chocolate chip (but I prefer the small chips which are harder to find).
Holly Hill Designs studio notes:
When we talked to Mary Jane, she was on her way to vend a show in ME. She's definitely busy! This summer she's been working on projects with her Ninth & Vine fabric too! Look at the birdhouses! Have you checked out her latest fabric and the fabulous projects that are on our patterns page?
Here's some exciting news! Mary Jane is giving away TWELVE Melon Patch patterns here in addition to our fabric bundle! Awesome! Thank you Mary Jane! Make sure that you go and say hello to her!
[Melon Patch - Holly Hill Quilt Design]
We now welcome Jessica Goldman of Bananafana Designs! We love her fun designs and her Polka Perch fabrics are so very pretty!
Jessica Goldman of Bananafana Designs is one busy lady! When we heard from her, she told us that she was going through some crazy, busy times right now! We are grateful that she shared this post with us because she has been on vacation!
[HG: Jessica, your kids are so very cute and we love that expression on your little one!]
Jessica sent an acrostic poem to us to describe the fun-filled 2012 summer in the Bananafana household!
by Jessica Goldman
Soaking wet children chasing each other with squirt guns and water balloons across the soft green grass!
Umbrellas ... well the only ones we used were in the gorgeous rain forests we explored this summer on our 2,800 mile trip up the west coast!
Marshmallows roasting over a crackling hot campfire just waiting to be squished between chocolate and grahams as we sing songs and giggle with our sweet little kiddos!
Melting popsicles running down little hands and arms (goes well with lots of slurping and lip smacking)!
ENORMOUS redwoods that made us look like "LEGO men" as my 8 year old son would explain to people when they asked us about our trip!
Riding bikes, skateboards, trikes, scooters and anything else with wheels ... and kissing and cleaning all the booboos that go along with those activities!
More news from Jess:
Summer goes by too quickly! When the fireworks stop popping and the popsicles stop melting my heart melts and pops a little to think that another summer has come and gone. Summers are always magical in their own special way and I'm glad that I get to share that magic with my sweet little family! They make summer exciting and happy for me. Whether we're laying on the trampoline out back star gazing, visiting the zoo, taking a trip, having a barbecue or whatever we might be doing I know the reason I enjoy it so immensely is because I'm with the ones I love most! Life will pass you by whether you're having fun or not, so I choose to have fun and make life fun for those around me. Our time is too precious to not make lasting memories, memories that I love to revisit as the years fly by! I hope your summer has been eventful, and if it hasn't, well then get out there and do something!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Jessica shared her answers to our party questions with us.
Best vacation spot:
The redwood forest and fishing in Alaska ... I couldn't pick one or the other because they are my top two favorite family vacations we've taken!
Favorite summer drinks:
Orange soda with sherbet ice cream floating in it, lemonade-stand lemonade, homemade Italian sodas! Yum!
Favorite ice cream:
I'm a sucker for anything with lots of gooey fudge, peanut butter and candy bar pieces!! I love making homemade ice cream - it's the best!! Ice cream is one of the basic food groups for sure!
Bananafana studio news:
New crafty patterns coming this fall!!! Keep an eye out!
Our Polka Perch fabric line for Henry Glass will be in stores in August! Yippeeee!! You'd better get some, it's really yummy with lots of delicious colors! Eye candy, I tell ya!!
Thanks to Delphine, Mary Jane, and Jessica for some great reading! Go and visit their websites and blog for some more great posts!
For today's question, do you prefer camping in a tent or staying in a hotel? Leave a comment here for this question. You have a chance to enter all of the Henry Glass Summer Party giveaways on this blog only [does not include any individual designer giveaways] up until midnight, August 10, 2012.
I love camping in a tent. but only when the weather is nice...,lol!
It has to be a hotel!
Just the thought of camping makes me hot and itchy, give me a hotel always.
Give me a hotel. The pictures of those redwoods are terrific.
Hotel...the last time I went camping we woke to a river of water running under our tent....no thanks. :)
I haven't been camping in a long time, but I love to go, in a tent... although now I would need a soft comfy bed to go in that tent :D lol
A nice hotel - no question there!
We have been to England several times and I wish now we had known about Delphine's 'secret' island. It look like a great place to go. It is always good to getaway from the routine of our days. Blessings on you all.
I love going tent camping with my husband-as long as there is a shower house where we are staying ;) We like to go before Memorial Day or after Labor Day, when the weather is cooler and there are less people out camping.
Definitely HOTEL! However, there seems to be some very comfy camping accessories on the market - might have to give it try sometime.
I rather camp in a hotel!
I prefer a hotel although I am not opposed to camping if it is a place that has showers.
I am sorry to admit it, but I prefer a hotel! :(
I like a hotel best. :-)
I wouldn't mind a tent, as long as I had a blow up camping mattress under me. LOL!
I am a tent camper for sure! thanks!
Staying at hotel. :)
HOTEL! It used to be just that this girl doesn't do bugs and dirt. Now it is these old bones don't sleep in a sleeping bag on the ground either.
I like both, lol.
We have a tent camper, so that is how we camp, I need to be off the ground and comfy. I do enjoy a hotel though, as long as it is on the ocean or a lake and has indoor pools and jacuzzis and maid service;)
Definitely a hotel! I've never been a tent girl!!
I am a hotel girl all the way- we camped when I was a kid but I am a girl who loves my creature comforts.
Regards from Western Canada,
Hotel with amenities is my preference. If I wanted to camp, could go in our woods and rough it but my body would protest. We are having thunderstorms with lots of lightening daily as well as hoards of mosquitos. So, a hotel would be wonderful in comparison to camping.
When we were young and in love and on a budget...it was A TENT! Now we're not so young...STILL IN LOVE...and STILL on a budget...but lovin' the luxuries a hotel can provide...LOL
a hotel definitely!
I loved camping in a tent when our kids were little and when I was a kid. Now I love to stay in a hotel, it is so much more relaxing.
I'm for a hotel all the way.
Hotel for me! My back can't take the hard ground. Loved camping as a kid, though!
Sandy A
I like a hotel - I'm not much for sleeping on the ground. And I like to have a real bathroom & a shower in the morning. :)
I'm not sure you could pay me enough to sleep in a tent. Hotel all the way!
No doubt about it! HOTEL! Tents = bugs, dirt, no bathrooms, no electricity.....oh no! It's hotels for me!
Thanks for another giveaway opportunity.
Our motorhome is my hotel!
Hmmm....that depends! I guess if I had my druthers, it would be a hotel, but I'm game for the outdoors very often!
Staying in a hotel for me. I have a great appreciation for indoor plumbing, hot water, and electricity.
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Years ago I loved a sleeping in a tent at summer camp. These days I prefer a hotel. soparkaveataoldotcom
I am a hotel girl, if I am going away I need a real break and that includes a real bed in a real bedroom!
With all my disabilities, it would be a hotel babscorbitt@gmail.com
I prefer the hotel...because you can unpack, and find your clothes when you want them. If you camp, everything has to keep going back into the duffle.."hmmm...is this shirt clean or dirty?"
My one camping experience was while 7 months pregnant and it was 90 degrees -- give me a hotel anytime!
love to tent when it is nice ,but rain drives me to a hotel. Thanks for the giveaway.
We rent a pop-up. LOVE to go camping. In fact, we're off to our fav spot in just a couple days!
I prefer a hotel!
I so prefer renting a room in a hotel.
Looks like most of us prefer a hotel to a tent -- me, too! My husband's idea of roughing it is a hotel where the ice machine is on a different floor from his room.
At this point in life..definitely staying in a hotel...preferably one with more ammenities than my house :) but when my kids were growing up, camping made the best vacation memories. Although, I admit, we never "tented" it!!
I love tent camping when its warm. Not terribly hot, because of all the bugs!
Oh definitely a hotel please! But your pictures make me want to go outdoors!
MargaretQuilts says, "A comfy Hotel please!" mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
Hotel, hotel, though I prefer to sleep at home.
I like the comforts of a hotel!
Definitely a motel. I will do a motor home, but definitely not a tent. I am getting way too old to sleep on the ground
We camped for years when our children were small. I finally got to the point where I told my husband, "No more!! Take me to a hotel!!" (And he listened :) )
Give me a tent and put it in a level spot near some beautiful water (lake, stream or ocean) and I am "a happy camper."
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