My third line, “Elizabeth’s Letters” just arrived at my door a few weeks ago, so maybe you are enjoying it now too. I have seen it in several quilt shops, and I know that it is going fast, so I hope you can find it at a shop near you.

I used a handwritten letter from my great-grandmother as a design element for this line. The letter was written in 1898 by Elizabeth, to her daughter, Margaritha. It was a farewell letter as she sent her daughters off to America, leaving behind their family and beloved homeland of Switzerland.
My grandmother was only 18 years old when she left home with two younger sisters. They did not know when they left if they would ever see their parents again.
The letter is penned in German script, but I do have an interpretation of part of it….
“Memory and farewell words from your never forgetting mother. My dear child, take these few lines with you as you travel. . . Be an example to your brothers and sisters, as the oldest daughter. . . Never forget your parents who raised you with tender care. Pray for the ones who stay behind that they can follow soon . . .
Now goodbye , my dear child. I wish you happiness and God’s blessings throughout your life’s journey. . .
In memory from your mother. Farewell, my dear child. . .”
Isn’t that sweet? I tried to capture the graceful lines and motifs of European charm with the sweet look of a new experience into this special collection. The lovely pinks and greens and ‘berries with cream’ will surely inspire you in your new quilting journeys!

Just download it at

using “Elizabeth’s Letters.” This pattern is available on my website or in a quilt shop.

I just went to the mail box and my new issue of American Patchwork and Quilting was just sitting in there waiting for me to open it!

It is always exciting to see my projects in print. The timing on this one is perfect. The fabric just barely arrived in stores, and now here’s a quilt made from it in this magazine! (It is the April 2011 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting, available on newsstands on Feb. 1, 2011.)
Well, I guess that is enough excitement for one day! I hope you find some of “Elizabeth’s Letters” and sew it up into something wonderful. Send me a picture and I will post it on my blog. I can’t wait to show you the next line….you’re gonna love it!
Happy Quilting!
For More Info on Jill Finley go to her website: