Friday, November 30, 2018

Desire to Inspire - November Challenge Carol Steffensen

Meet Carol Steffensen, owner, and designer of Chickadee Hollow Designs and Chickadee Chatter Blog. She took on the challenge of using "Fresh & Fab" the collection designed by Kim Diehl and her daughter, Molly Diehl. 

This is Carol's story:

I am a retired RN, wife of Dale, mother of three grown children, 6 grandchildren and my dog, Pooh! He is my sewing room buddy! I have owned a quilt shop in the past but only for three years as my initial desire in owning a shop was so that I would have time to design patterns which is what I really wanted to do. Little did I know that owning a shop left no time for pattern designing! So, I sold it after 3 years and started designing quilting and stitchery patterns which I have been doing for the past 15 years. I thoroughly enjoy what I do and plan to continue to do it forever if I can. I would like to design some fabric yet too, and I have it on my list for after the New Year. I have been an artist all my life and have dabbled in many different venues, but I really like drawing and color pencil the most. I especially like doing birds, flowers and nature things.

We live on a farm and have all my life out in the country along with horses, cattle, some chickens, dogs and cats. I came from a large family so I am used to lots of activity and we sure have that around here. The area where we live is wooded, with a state park just a couple of miles down the road and there are lots of lakes and wildlife around us.

My project, with the beautiful fabrics designed by Kim Diehl (who I am a big fan of) and her daughter, was a challenge. I looked at the fabrics for a few days before I actually cut into them. Being of modern colors and design were a bit out of the box for me. I tend to work with reproduction fabrics mostly and the warmer darker muted tones. So I did a little research on some modern patterns and trends to kind of get a feel for what I should make. I thought with this modern fabric I have to make something modern looking. Nothing came into my mind, and I almost felt like maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this project.  But then I started thinking that maybe the challenge for me was to make something with traditional blocks with modern fabric! So that is what I went with; it has turned out pretty and like I said before, it is what it is! My main project is a wall hanging or table center where I designed a pattern using some churn dash blocks of different sizes and also some 9 patch blocks of different sizes. ( I certainly hope the design is not one the Kim has already done as prolific as she is!!) But, I did it totally on graph paper like I always do and I will share that too if anyone wants.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Desire to Inspire December- Looking for a Challenger!

With various hues of pinks and browns, Janet Rae Nesbitt of One Sister Designs has certainly done it again with her exquisite line, "Tickled Pink". Featuring a variety of florals, mandalas, and ditzy tonals. Who knew it could be so great, but with browns, creams, and golds, and it is beautiful!

In this month's Desire to Inspire the winner will receive this collection to make something great. The caveat is... it MUST BE made in the month of December, and pictures of your finished project(s) must be provided to us by the end of the month. Along with your picture and bio, too, of course. 

Are you ready to take on this challenge? 

Send an email to to put your name in the hat! 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Get Quilting- Home for Christmas Giveaway

Home for Christmas by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched is a 20-Piece collection that features sweet, little whimsical patterns with soft, earthy tones. From Christmas trees to dainty stars, it's sure to be a hit this season!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Get Quilting- Autumn Album Giveaway

Autumn Album by Color Principle is a 17 piece collection that features glamourous sunflowers, fall leaves, and words to remind us to be grateful during this time of year!

View the Whole Collection
 See the Collection

Monday, November 12, 2018

Desire to Inspire - Meet November Challenger Carol Steffensen

Meet the November Challenger for Desire to Inspire, Carol Steffensen. 

Carol hails from Minnesota and is a great example of not giving up! She has tried and tried to enter into the challenge, and was almost ready to give up when this month it happened...and we picked her! 

And not that we do this on purpose... but Carol also has a blog called Chickadee Hollow Designs

She received the fabrics last Wednesday and has gotten right to work. This palette is totally new for her, so she is super excited to step outside her usual zone to make something great for this month's challenge. 

Fresh & Fab collection

Carol Steffensen

Let's Get Quilting - Happy Camper Giveaway

Happy Camper is all about the "glamping" life, i.e. Glamorous Camping. This collection is a fun and colorful interpretation of campers and things to do when you travel to the great outdoors (in style). When you are out in the wilderness, you have to bring all the necessities of life along with you, so don't forget your fabrics, needles, and threads too!