Hello, Everyone! It is my pleasure to talk to you periodically on this Henry Glass & Co. site. As an introduction, I would like to share some of my fabric and quilt happenings from this month of May. One of my highlights was I gave twin size quilts I made from my 1930s reproduction line "Posies" and my pattern "Posies Galore" to my cousin's daughters. The girls are 15 and 10, and they truly loved the 30s look. I was thrilled that both immediately appreciated the lively colors and happy aura of the fabrics. It is always good to introduce our young generation to fabrics. Both girls are already looking forward to my new line "A Pocketful of Posies." Maybe they will want to sew, too!

(Swatches from Pocketful of Posies (Authentic Prints from the 1930's)
My other highlights in May included my trips to Upper Michigan, Ontario, and central and northern Minnesota. It is always fun to meet quilters in the places I go. They are such a varied group and so curious about using color and the history of quilting in North America. I did two "Eye for Color" lectures using quilts, tops, and fabrics from my entire collection, which included antique and contemporary items. I also did the Quilts through Time 1750-1900 lecture and the Quilts through Time 1900-1975 lecture. Both of these lectures also include magazines, patterns, thread, and info about the "notions" quilters had through both periods. I really enjoy doing these presentations, but the feedback from the audiences makes my experience great!June is family time, so I will be doing some quilt appraisals, but not going on the road for lectures and appraisals. I will also begin working on my next line of 1930s reproduction fabrics. Until next time, be looking for my fabrics!!!