Friday, October 6, 2017

Meet October's Desire to Inspire Challenger - Barbara Esposito

Meet the October Challenger for the Hop To It collection by Shelly Comiskey, Barbara Esposito

Barbara Esposito lives in southwestern Connecticut - and is currently waiting for the beautiful New England colors to emerge. What a place to be this time of year. 

And lucky Barbara gets to put her head in the game for Easter season as she gets to work with this cute bunny fabric this month. 

Also lucky, because she is the first consumer to have this fabric! 

Everyone else? Get ready to hop out and get yours in November, as that is when it will ship into a quilt shop near you. 

HOP TO IT by Shelly Comiskey ships in November


  1. I used the bunny butts on my work email signature for a little "hop" of color!


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