Friday, August 22, 2014

A Flair For Fabric

[Project by Kim Diehl. Photo: Martingale & Co.]

We are excited to see the Henry Glass book, "A Flair For Fabric" in previews. We worked hard with our publishers, Martingale and Co. to bring you this awesome compilation of projects from the Henry Glass designers. Publication date is November 1, 2014. Stay tuned for book signings at Quilt Market and a book tour here in the near future. You can check it out at your local retail shop. Here are a few images from the book.

[Project by Linda Lum DeBono. Photo: Martingale & Co.]
 [Project by Lizzie B Cre8ive. Photo: Martingale & Co.]
 [Project by Dana Brooks. Photo: Martingale & Co.]
[ Photo: Martingale & Co.]

[Project by Amy Hamberlin. Photo: Martingale & Co.]
Have a great weekend.


  1. Great projects!!! I am especially attracted to Amy's quilt!

  2. Can't wait to have this book in hand! In addition to ordering online, folks can get your book from their quilt shop. If the shop is a Super Stitcher shop, they will get a stamp on their Super Stitcher card. After nine stamps they can mail their card into Martingale and get a free book. Free is a word we quilters always enjoy hearing:-).


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