Friday, November 16, 2012

Delphine's Blog Hop Holiday Partying Continued ...

We are so sorry! Delphine's remaining post was not saved and we didn't want you to miss out on her stories!

Okay here is a picture of my 3 favorite Christmas decorations. I know you only asked for 1 but all three are very special, because they were made for me by my three little boys. A couple of years ago I caught the flu and was quite unwell for a couple of weeks. My Mum was helping out with the boys and on this particular day my Mum had picked the boys up from school and all the boys wanted to do was make Mummy a present on Granny's sewing machine. So they all sat very patiently with Granny and made me a Christmas Decorations each. It was such a special present, and I think about it every time I put them on my Christmas tree, pride of place.

One of our best family Christmas traditions (and there are many to choose from, we don't like to stray too far from our Traditional Family Christmas!) Is that every year Uncles, Grannys, Grandads and anyone else who we can drag out. On New Years day we take a drive down to the seaside town of Llandudno in North Wales. We take all the Christmas left overs, which makes a fabulous feast, and a big flask of Hot Chocolate. Wrap up warm and eat our picnic on the Sea front with the sea gulls. After a week of over indulging with our friends and family, it's nice to take a walk by the sea and blow the previous years cobwebs away and look forward to the next, while planning all our good intentions and resolutions for the coming year! 

One of our favourite family recipes has to be Rocky Road. For this you need:

150g milk chocolate
250g dark chocolate
175g butter
60ml golden syrup
200g Amaretti biscuits (this works well with other cookies too)
150g nuts (whatever you like best) I use brazil nuts
150g glace' cherries (sultanas are also nice if you don't like cherries)
125g mini marshmallows
1 tbsp icing sugar (for dusting)

In a heavy based pan gently melt the chocolate, butter and syrup.
In a large bowl crush the amaretto biscuits up (I use the end of a rolling pin) until you have nice small bite-size pieces and crumbs.
Now do the same with the nuts, so they are also crumbled up.
Once your chocolate mixture has melted, take the pan off the heat and add in all the dry ingredients (biscuits, nuts, cherries, and marshmallows) give it all a good mix up, then tip the mixture in to a greased baking tin approx 12" x 7". Put the Rocky Road in to the refrigerator for about 2 hours then tip the now solid Rocky Road out of the tin and cut it up in to about 24 pieces and dust with icing sugar. Your Rocky Road is now ready to eat. We always put a couple of pieces out for Santa on Christmas Eve with a mince pie and glass of Ruby Port! :-)

What a lovely place! Thanks, Delphine!



  1. I love to hear about all of the favorite holiday traditions. Thank you for a great recipe and showing us your sons' ornaments. I'm really loving the Henry Glass Very Merry Holiday Party Designer Blog Hop. Happy Holidays!

  2. Oh yum, I love Rocky Road, tahnks for sharing!

  3. I love Rocky Road and everyone's version is different!


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