Monday, July 9, 2012

Hickory, Dickory Dock

Today we have the wonderfully talented, Delphine Cubitt, visiting as our guest designer. Her latest fabric range, "Story Time Rhymes" is about to hit the shelves of your local quilt shop!

Her illustrations are so fun and lively. You can find her illustrations on a vast number of products ranging from greeting cards, gift wrap, product packaging, pottery to jigsaws and flags. We got a chance to chat with her recently. 

HG:  Where do you get your inspiration from?

Delphine: Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime. An idea can form from browsing through a fashion or home magazine, to visiting an art gallery. Two of my favorites that I have visited are the Matisse Gallery in Nice, France, and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. I also love to wander around old English Country houses and gardens. I take my camera everywhere with me and I carry a sketchbook everywhere.  I am always looking for inspiration.

HG:  How long have you been designing?

Delphine:  I have probably been designing since the age of 7 or 8 where I used to spend hours drawing fashion models with elaborate clothes on them, and design mad patterns on their clothes. Professionally I have been designing for 20 years now after spending 4 years training to be a designer at college.

HG: Where did you grow up and where is your home town now?

Delphine: I grew up in a small town in the heart of the Peak District in the North of England called New Mills. Later, I lived in Preston, an industrial city 60 miles north of New Mills for 8 years, where I got a job as designer for a large greeting card company. We have now moved our little family back to the Peaks to a tiny rural village called Chinley.

HG: Pets? Children? Both?

Delphine: Both! I love my three boys, Max, 8, Alfie and Theo [my twins], aged 6 so much. We have Milly the cat who bosses us all about especially the two goldfish, Cornet and Streaker, who she threatens to "play" with on a daily basis!

HG: Favorite hobbies or vacation spot?

Delphine:  One of my favorite places on this wonderful planet of ours is a tiny island off the northeast coast of England called Lindisfarne or 'The Holy Island.' The island is only about 10 km from coast to coast, has only 50 inhabitants and is completely cut off from civilization when the tide comes in. There is a 2 mile causeway to get access onto the island. It is surrounded by beautiful sandy, secret beaches and an historical 16th century castle sits right in the center of the island. It's my little piece of paradise.

HG: What medium do you create with?

Delphine: I like to use lots of different media like oil pastels, acrylics, inks and even collage but my favorite medium is Designers Gouache as it is so versatile, with lovely fresh colors and a very professional finish.

Thank you Delphine for visiting with us! We think that island is heavenly too! Tell us your favorite nursery rhyme and we'll send one lucky random winner a bundle of "Story Time Rhymes."
Deadline: 4 p.m. Friday, July13th, 2012



  1. My favorite nursery rhyme is "Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cow jumped over the Moon". Thanks for the great interview.

  2. My favorite is "hickity pickity my black hen". thanks - what a sweet line of fabric!

  3. I can see why the island is her favorite place, would love to visit England some day.


  4. Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater is my favorite nursery rhyme! I love that fabric!!!

  5. The Owl and the Pussycat is my favorite nursery rhyme

  6. Little Red Riding Hood was my favorite because red was my favorite color.

  7. I am partial to Ring Around the Roses. Reminds me of my long ago childhood. This is a wonderful theme for a fabric line.

  8. mY favorite nursery Rhyme is LITTLE MISS MUFFET. I am saying this one to my 3yr. year old Granddaughter when ever we are together because I have a habit of calling her Miss Muffet even though her name is Clara.

  9. I like Baa Baa Black Sheep. My little granddaughter sings it all the time!

  10. I love "Mary Had a Little Lamb: and always thought it would be neat to have a pet lamb!

    Sandy A

  11. Jack and Jill is my favorite, but all the ones the others have named always ring in my head too.

  12. I love "Little Jack Horner".....and "Peter, Peter, Pumkin Eater"

  13. My all time favorite rhyme is Mary Mary Quite it....I always wanted a garden like Mary...

  14. Twinkle twinkle little star - especially when my 5 year old little girl sings it x

  15. Starlight, starbright, is my favorite, my daughter and I still say it when we see the stars coming out.

  16. 'Hickory Dickory Dock' is my favourite!

  17. My favourite was always -
    Hey diddle diddle,
    The Cat and the fiddle,
    The Cow jumped over the moon,
    The little Dog laughed to see such sport,
    And the Dish ran away with the Spoon.
    Thanks for such a lovely introduction to Delphine.

  18. My favorite rhyme is the same as Diane H. I think it is called The Cat and The Fiddle ... except my nephew (he was 3 or 4 then) would strum his toy guitar and sing
    The little dog laughed to see such "port" and the dish ran away with the "poon".... This fine young man can say his s'es now. Thanks for the nice article and your giveaway.

  19. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!

  20. Don't ask me why, but I love Benjamin Grundy...we used to laugh until our tummies hurt when we would say it as children.

  21. There was a little girl
    Who had a little curl
    Right in the middle of her forehead
    And when she was good
    She was very, very good
    And when she was bad, she was horrid!


  22. little Miss Muffet is my favorite.

  23. Great interview! Star light star bright is my favorite!

  24. "We Willie Winkey runs through the town, upstairs, downstairs, in his night gown. Rapping at the window, crying through the lock, are the chilldren all in bed for now it's
    8 o'clock". My children loved this at bedtime.

  25. "Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cow jumped over the Moon", was my favorite. Maybe because the dog was laughing.

  26. My is the Old Lady that Lived in the Shoe!

  27. Mine is : Hoppe, hoppe Reiter!
    sorry it is in German and I don't know it in english. But it is a rhyme you use with the child on the knees and pretending to be riding a horse. My son really loves it too!

  28. My grandson loves for me to sing 'Hey Diddle Diddle' to him, so it has become my favorite! Love the colors!!

  29. I love Hey Diddle Diddle as kids we use to love to act it out. I loved the old womans shoe house too, I always wanted to go in it ;)

  30. My favorite one is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

  31. My favorite nursery rhyme is Pease Porridge Hot. I loved it as a child and loved singing it to my children!

  32. "Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star," such a nice way to wind down and settle down for bed..

  33. I have no idea why, but I still recite "Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean & so between the two of them they licked the platter clean!"

  34. My favorite nursery rhyme is Hickory Dickory Dock.

  35. My favorite is The Old Woman and the Shoe. Sometimes I relate to her..your fabric line is very adorable.

  36. What wonderful designs in fabric. Great job, Delphine Cubitt! I like 'Old Mother Hubbard' about a woman and her dog by J. Harris of London. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  37. Humpty Dumpty is my favorite--I remember the picture book I had when I was a small child, with Humpty on the ground, waiting patiently and all the king's men and horses gathered around looking perplexed. I was sure that they would figure out how to put him back together soon. Delphine sounds charming--she made me want to visit Lindesfarne.

  38. from MargaretQuilts mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
    Because I love to garden, my favorite nursery rhyme is:
    Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
    How does your garden grow?

  39. My favorite is pease porridge hot pease porridge cold pease porridge in the pot nine data old.

  40. My favourite nursery rhyme is 'Hey Diddle Diddle' gorgeous fabric line

  41. Itsy Bitsy Spider. I know it's more a song, but you can interact with the wee ones with it.

  42. My favorite is
    "There was a little girl
    Who had a little curl
    Right in the middle of her forehead
    When she was good
    She was very very good
    And when she was bad she was horrid!"

  43. Being a Gemini I love two! I love " The Owl and the Pussycat" and " The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat".

  44. Since I am one of seven siblings I have always thought I lived in small shoe.
    So of course my favorite nursery rhyme is "there was an old woman who lived in a shoe she had so many children she didn't know what to do"

    thanks for the chance to win :0)
    Happy Sewing and continued success.

  45. Tough decision. Probably Mary had a little lamb closely followed by Humpty Dumpty. Joanne

  46. My favourite is 'Humpty Dumpty'
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  47. Mary had a little lamb ... is my favorite even to this day!

    Enjoyed the interview and it's nice to be exposed to someones creative work through your blog site.

    All the best,

  48. My favourite is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". My daughter loves it when i sing that to her and a close second is "The Wheels on the Bus".

  49. My favorite nursery rhyme is Humpty Dumpty.

  50. My favorite is
    "There was a little girl
    Who had a little curl
    Right in the middle of her forehead
    When she was good
    She was very very good
    And when she was bad she was horrid!"

  51. I think that may favorite would probably be Little Boy Blue.. :-) Thank you so much for the chance to win! :-)

  52. Hey Diddle Diddle is my favorite nursery rhyme.


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