Thursday, June 21, 2012

Picadilly Lane and Winners!

We have been showing you lots of great coverage from Quilt Market in Kansas City. We hope that you've been enjoying it. We still have more! 

Brenda Pinnick is one of our licensed designers and she has a fabulous line coming out next month called, Picadilly Lane. There's a free pattern on our site for a quilt and a gorgeous little tote bag. It's just the thing that you need now that summer's here!

The colors are lush and gorgeous! She's such a fun lady and she filmed a little tutorial today for you on some tips about mixed media work. We're going to have to get some of that glittery stuff that she's showing! 

We've got the winners of the giveaway! Thank you all for participating in Heather's virtual baby shower! It was so much fun. The winners are Donna Small and Kristen King. Congratulations!

Carter William Peterson is such a darling! Congratulations again to Heather and Joel! Get some rest and we look forward to see more photos of that adorable little boy of yours!

Donna Small of Indiana

Kristen King of Minnesota

We've got Leanne Anderson of The Whole Country Caboodle and more! Our designers are going to have some great content for you in the upcoming months so come back for more!



  1. I am so happy for Heather & Joel. What a beautiful baby boy!! Thank you for the opportunity to get some fabulous fabric!!

  2. Congratulations to the winners and to the new parents.



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