Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to the Henry Glass Designers Holiday Project Parade!

We are excited that you are here. Our designers have been working hard to bring you some awesome projects, wonderful stories and great giveaways. This event will run from Dec. 1-7, 2010. Each day, there will be several designers posting her holiday stories and her free project. The participating designers are:

Day 1:
Heather Mulder Peterson of Anka’s Treasures at http://ankastreasures.wordpress.com/
Linda Lum DeBono at http://www.lindalumdebono.blogspot.com/
Little Quilts at http://www.littlequilts.blogspot.com/

Day 2:
Amy Hamberlin of Kati Cupcake at http://www.katicupcakequiltingco.blogspot.com/
Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt co at http://www.lavieenrosie.typepad.com/
Kari Ramsay of Fresh Cut Quilt Patterns at http://www.freshcutquilts.blogspot.com/

Day 3:
Jacquelynne Steves of the Noble Wife at http://www.thenoblewife.blogspot.com/
Jill Finlay of Jillily Studio at http://www.jillilystudio.blogspot.com/

Day 4:
Laurie Bird of Rose Cottage at http://www.rosecottagequilts.blogspot.com/
Barbara Jones of Quilt Soup at http://www.quiltsoupblog.com/

Beth and Liz Hawkins of Lizzie B Creative at http://www.dreamlaughcreate.blogspot.com/

Day 5:
Chelsea Anderson of Pink Fig Patterns at http://www.pinkfigdesign.blogspot.com/

Brenda Pinnick of Brenda Pinnick Designs at www.brendapinnick.com/blog/

Day 6:
Leanne Anderson of The Country Caboodle at http://www.thewholecountrycaboodle.blogspot.com/

Dana Brooks of Lazy Daisy Cottage at http://www.lazydaisycottage.blogspot.com/

Day 7:
Kim Diehl at www.henryglassfabrics.blogspot.com
Janet Nesbitt and Pam Soliday of Buggy Barn at http://www.buggybarnquilts.blogspot.com/


for seven days.

Grand Prize Giveaway

At the end of this unbelievable week, we are going to select a Grand Prize Winner in our giveaway.

What will you win? Henry Glass will send the lucky winner an assorted bundle of the latest fabric PLUS each designer will send you a small gift. Merry Christmas!

How do you win?

Each designer will have a special holiday word in her post. You have to collect each word [17 in total] and post it here on our GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY POST on the Henry Glass blog anytime from Dec. 7-9, 2010 [contest closes Dec. 9th at 8 p.m. EST]. COMMENTS WILL BE CLOSED SO YOU WILL NOT SEE YOUR COMMENT. PLEASE DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE. Only one entry per person. Please post your full name so that we can easily identify the winner.

Good luck and be inspired!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Little Quilts Blogs for HG!

A customer of Little Quilts wanted to get rid of her stash (YES! We took her temperature!). So, Little Quilts sold it for $5 a lb (about $1 a yd). This customer even had quilt tops she made but did not really like. We finished and sold them, as well. The efforts raised $450. The quilts will be auctioned in March.

Little Quilts is a participant in the Henry Glass Designers Project Parade December 1st - Dec. 7th . We will be a featured designer on Wed. Dec. 1. Visit http://littlequilts.blogspot.com/ on that day for a Little Quilts prize giveaway.

Little Quilts
FAX: 770-509-9748

Thursday, November 11, 2010

HG Designer Blog Hop Dec 1-7th- stay tuned for more info!!

Coming Soon HG 1st Designer Blog Hop! Dec 1-7th check out your favorite HG designer’s blogs for more information. Prizes and free projects!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

A few pics from Houston Quilt Market.

Here are some great pictures of our booths and some of our HG Designer's Booths at Quilt Market in Houston 2010.

Carrie Nelson from Miss Rosies Quilt Company

Jill Finley of Jillily Studio

Jacquelynne Steves of the Nobel Wife

Lazy Daisy Cottage’s booth by Dana Brooks