Monday, June 10, 2019

Kim Diehl's Simple Friendships II - Stitch A-Long Mystery Sampler Week 5

Week 5 of the Simple Friendships II stitch along has arrived, and it’s time to gather your blocks together and stitch them into a sweet little mini!

For this final week, stitchers can use this link to access free downloadable instructions for stitching the last bits of patchwork (shown in the photos below) and for assembling everything into the quilt.
Please be sure to share your finished mystery sampler this coming week using the hashtag #SimpleFriendships2QAL, which will also enter you in an AWESOME drawing at the end of this stitch along - some amazing goodies are awaiting four lucky participants!

Kim chose to hand quilt her project with an edge-to-edge clamshell design in the big-stitch style, which was fun and easy for this mini. If you’d like to give this method of finishing a try, please check Kim's May 31st post to see how she prepares her projects for hand quilting. And here’s a great tip for auditioning your thread colors: use scissors to snip the choices you’re considering into small lengths and place them on the mini to view the effect (Kim ultimately chose Valdani’s no. 12 variegated Perle cotton in brown color H212). Unlike laying a solid strand of thread on the quilt top, which would look heavy by comparison to a stitched line, this little trick duplicates the look of hand quilting and makes it easy to choose your best option!

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