Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Great "I Am"

A while back designer Leanne Anderson of The Whole Country Caboodle designed a line The Great "I Am" and a book has been released that is based on the same artwork. Congratulations on the publication of Leanne's first children's book. You can read more about the book and how to order it from Leanne on her blog.

We are pleased that the color cards for her next line, Clearwater Critters, should be in the hands of our sales representatives. Your local quilt shop will be viewing this line soon. You can get a sneak peek on our website. We love Leanne's adorable critters, don't you?

[Clearwater Critters by Leanne Anderson]



  1. they are so cute can't wait to see the fabrics

  2. These are so cute, love the designs and would be fun to make for my grandson.


  3. They are so adorable, I can't wait to use them in a quilt.


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