Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winners, Winners, Winners!

Thank you all for joining us for the Henry Glass Naughty Or Nice Party. We have winners! Congratulations to all! Please claim your prize by midnight December 16th [we've extended it] or else you will forfeit the prize and we'll choose another name.

Here we go!

Day 1:
Debra Neiman I love the 50s pictures from the Bloggers. It really takes me back to my childhood.

Day 2:
Robert said...
I would like to have some way to store all my rulers and templates, so I guess it would be a storage system. Thanks. From northern Iowa . . . .
Day 3:

Cheryl Camarano Watson
 I am finishinga quilt for my mom and sunglass cases for the ladies in my family, and college themed ornaments for the men!

Day 4:

Jo said...
I had a stuffed panda named Dede. I actually still have him even if he is thread bare now
Day 5:

Deb G. in VA said...
Chocolate Pecan Pie! Thanks for the giveaway!
Day 6:
Tabitha Keener I remember staying up late and unwrapping and then re-wrapping my presents before my parents got up! My brother and sisters were my partners in crime and it was almost as exciting as getting the presents!

Day 7:
Connie Cain said...

I too, think my favorite ones are the ones the kids made 20 years ago. Thanks for the chance. :)
Please e-mail your info to Karen and we will be in contact soon.

Happy holidays!



  1. Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy!

  2. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I always wanted to make a red, white and blue quilt. Now I have the fabric to do it. Thanks again.
    Merry Christmas

  4. I it seems I have won on day 4 first of all thank you.I have no idea what I need to do to claim my prize could someone please let me know.

  5. I sent my info as requested. Thank you so much.


If you have any issues or errors with adding comments please notify me at - Thanks so much and thank you for taking the time to comment on the blog.