One of the Buggy Barn's fans sent in a photo of this wonderful quilt that was made from a Buggy Barn pattern using Jacquelynne Steves' Fruitful Hands fabric. Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing Carol Edwards of the Berry Basket Quilters guild in Medford, NJ. Here is what Carol had to say about the quilt:
"My quilt guild, Berry Basket Quilters, Medford NJ, had a Challenge this year, in preparation for our Quilt Show in October, "The Quilted House." The challenge was to make a quilt with at least one house block, any quilt size. About that time, I saw your book, "Crazy 'Til the Cows Come Home" & loved the "Hearts Come Home" quilt!
This was a "double challenge" for me, the guild house challenge & making a Buggy Barn quilt for the first time! I thought you might like to see my "Hearts Come Home;" I have attached some photos of my finished quilt!
The fabrics I used are © Jacquelynne Steves for Henry Glass Fabrics, "Fruitful Hands." My inspiration for this quilt & the fabric choice came just after she had done a program at our Berry Basket Quilters March meeting.
I love how it turned out! (can you tell, I like bright fabrics!) Yes, I might do another Buggy Barn quilt sometime soon! Thank you for your creative patterns!"
Thank you for sharing, Carol!
Love this quilt! I love seeing what people make with my fabric. It came out beautifully, Carol!