Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Desire To Inspire - July Edition

Welcome to the July edition of Desire To Inspire Challenge. We appreciate all of the interest and enthusiasm for this part of our blog. We are continually working through the list of individuals who have expressed an interest in participating. Hang on, we will get to you. It is a long list and we appreciated all of you.

Welcome to the July 2013 edition of the Desire to Inspire Challenge. As with all of the previous months, we are very happy with this month's challenge project. We sent out some fabric from Barbara Jones' [QuiltSoup] new line, Anything Goes Basics. You can see the complete line at the link.

HG:  What's your name?
LP:  My name is Linda Parillo

HG:  Where do you live?
LP:  I live in south river, New Jersey  My family consists of me my husband two grown boys and a 19 year old daughter

HG:  How long have you been quilting for?
LP:  I have been quilting for over 20 years

HG:  What's your favorite quilting technique?
LP:  Is buying fabric a technique because that would be #1 but I do like to machine piece I find it to be relaxing and productive

My mother taught me to sew mostly (clothing) but quilting was taught to me by a woman named Lorraine.

HG:  Do you belong to a guild?
LP:  I do belong to a guild that is rather small compared to some, but they are very important to me as friends and quilters. Donna, Barbara, Marybeth, Elaine, and Rina we all enjoy our hobby and would love to have more time to stitch together!

HG:  Do you have any advice or tips for quilters?

LP:  If you are a quilter you should encourage your friends to join you even if they say they can't sew a straight line.  The lines in our quilts don't always have to be straight.

HG:  Thanks, Linda! The quilt is gorgeous. Thank you for being a challenger in our Desire To Inspire Challenge.



  1. great quilt using those fabrics.

  2. How fun! I love what she came up with. Those fabrics are very modern!


If you have any issues or errors with adding comments please notify me at vanessa@jaftex.com - Thanks so much and thank you for taking the time to comment on the blog.