Friday, March 22, 2013

Oh What Fun! Party - Day 2: Your Thoughts

Wowee! Thanks for all of the love for Jill's project. She puts a lot of work into the projects each month. If you do have a finished project, let us know here and we'd love to post it on our blog.

Let's get back to some more fun. Here's the deal about our party in case you missed it. We decided to have our Oh What Fun Party! Note: This is not a Facebook contest. Answer here on the blog and answers are primarily from the blog in order for everyone to participate. We will ask you questions March 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27th. [Here's yesterday's post.] Each day we will pick a random winner from the pool of people who answer correctly. You will win something fabulous from our stash room in NYC. Are you in? [*Add: Answer these by midnight March 31, 2013 and we will announce all of the winners on April 1, 2013.]

Today we'd like to know your thoughts. Tell us the following:

Day 2: Your Thoughts?

Question 1: What do you like to read on blogs?
Question 2: Do you read Facebook and blogs? Other?

Answer these by midnight March 31, 2013 and we will announce all of the winners on April 1, 2013.

Good luck!



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  17. I want blogs to have lots of pictures for inspiration. Tutorials are especially nice. Pinterest is kind of fun but it can get too overwhelming seeing all those great ideas. I follow a lot of businesses and blogs on FB.

    Once again I'm finding I'm spending more time on blogs and FB than I am getting sewing done. It's about time to streamline things again and weed out some of them.

  18. 1) I love to view pictures and reading the "life and times" of people (which are little tidbits into their lives).

    2)I do read facebook once a day (in the morning). I check the blogs I follow twice a day. Both are a variety of subjects such as friends, chickens, sewing, quilting, politics, Christian/Inspirational and more.

  19. 1. I love to see what others are doing. I love tutorials and free block patterns. I find the quilting community is very generous with their talents.
    2. Facebook is not in-depth enough for me. The quick comments just seem incomplete. I mostly use face book to keep up with friends and family. I much prefer blogs!

  20. I like to read about quilts on blogs and also good recipes. I read blogs.

  21. 1.I enjoy reading tutorials and about new fabric. Also it's just fun looking at the projects the bloggers are working on. I enjoy it all really!
    2. I read FB and blogs. Some just on FB, some just blogs, and some I belong to both!

  22. I like to read about upcoming fabric lines, see works in progress, and finished projects. I read blogs, Facebook, and check flickr and pinterest almost daily for inspiration.

  23. I have learned so much from blogs, the tutorials are my favorite. I am a facebook user because it allows me to keep current with my family and extended family, especially my grandbabies, 20mo old triplets. I do not combine my interese in quilting with facebook because I am the only quilter in the bunch and I don't want to bore them with my fun stuff.

  24. I love to see the things that other people make for inspiration. I read blogs more than facebook.

  25. I read different types of blogs, because I have many different interests. My favorite blogs have lots of photos, I love visuals. I also love tutorials & giveaways.

    FB is more personal, for me, mostly friends & relatives. I do follow favorite companies & blogs I like.

  26. I like to read about what people are working on (with photos!) and I like tutorials and helpful tips. I don't do facebook -- already spend too much time on the computer just reading blogs.

  27. i like to read what bloggers are working on, their techniques, tools and how they get their inspiration and whatever they feel like sharing. i follow on fb and blogland and do not pin, or tweet or what ever else is out there.

  28. 1. If it's a quilting or other craft blog I like to see what the blogger is making and have the info of where the design comes from. I love tutorials and qal's, as well as giveaways. Links to other quilting blogs are fun, too. I live in an area that doesn't have many quilt shops or guilds nearby so I learn quilting via books, blogs and websites. Fortunately I have sewing experience, but quilting is much different, so online resources are important to me.
    2. I do follow some quilting/craft sites on facebook, and find myself reading that more than I did a year ago.

  29. I like to read a little about their lives and what they are working on. Projects and some tutorials. I have learned a lot of new techniques by reading blogs. I do not read Facebook on a regular basis. I do read blogs every day.

  30. I like to read blogs with pictures, tutorials/tips and free block/quilt patterns. I also like recipes and reading snippets of the blogger's life. I do follow many quilters and businesses on facebook but I spend 100 times more time reading blogs.

  31. #1
    I like to read about curretnt projects, tutorials, lots of photos links to other great blogs & projects and lots of pictures of fabric. And about recipes , pets and pictures of studios.
    #2 I enjoy reading both blogsa nd facebook and I also love reading pinterest as well.

  32. I like to see a little bit into pieces of other peoples lifes. I love the shortcuts and better ways to quilt. Hints, new ideas. I don't facebook and get the information I want regarding new fabrics, notions and patterns from blogs.

  33. I like to read blogs and newsletters with lots of photographs and tutorials. Free patterns are also great to read about.

    I read FB and blogs.

  34. I enjoy tutorials that other quilters do. I also like seeing pictures about trips they may have taken. I do have a facebook account for quilting purpose but don't use it very often. FB would be too time consuming for me.

  35. I do read blogs.I love to get inspiration for future projects, it keeps me current with styles and I love the eye candy.
    I also read Facebooks and several blogs daily.

  36. I like to see blogs that have tutorial and frugal ways of making things. Times are hard and I like using fabrics form my stash .
    I do not have a Facebook account so I just read blogs.

  37. I love blogs with tutorials and lots of photos with some interesting dialog as well. Yes I do read lots of blogs and get lots of inspiration from so many talented folks.

  38. I like to read about quilting projects and also some tutorials. I do read Facebook but prefer the blogs.

  39. 1. I like to see fabric & what the blogger is creating with it. I also like QALs.
    2. I do read fb & I like to follow quilters on Instagram.

  40. I enjoy reading about the process of design by quilters, pictures are great, and the swaps are fun. Not much for Facebook, but I love to follow bloggers and their progress with projects.

  41. I like to read about the process behind the project or the inspiration for the design. I also enjoy blogs that share little bits about real life.
    I read facebook and blogs. I also get some newsletters that really fun to read.

  42. I do not use FB. I enjoy reading blogs, particularly when they feature tutorials, ideas about the designing process, and information about new products.

  43. I love the tutorials and lots of pictures. I read face book every other day or so but read the blogs every day. I also like pinterest but don't get to it very often. I love pdf's with free instructions. I love things that teach.

  44. I like tutorials, and to see what others have made - and special techniques they may have success with. I still spend more time reading blogs, but have joined a couple of Facebook groups.


  46. I really like to read and SEE lots of pictures of quilts, fabric projects, crafts as well as recipes and health issues!!! I am not on facebook.

  47. I prefer reading tutorials on blogs. I currently read blogs mainly with facebook every few days.

  48. Reading blogs I've learned most of what I know now about quilting. I appreciate the amount of knowledge the bloggers are willing to share with others and the help they can give to help new quilters hopefully bypass the mistakes they made when they were just beginning to quilt. I love the well written tutorials along with pictures of the steps, especially for those like me who are more of a visual learner. Other things I like with the blogs are seeing what projects are being worked on and the giveaways.

    As far as Facebook, I generally prefer not to have too many added crafty type pages on my Facebook page.
    The amount of time I spend reading blogs takes enough time from my sewing/quilting/machine embroidery already so I don't want to add Facebook to that or I may never touch any of my machines. LOL

  49. I love tutorials with lots of pictures, especially of purses and hand bags, my latest passion.

    I follow you on FB and the blog and enjoy both very much

  50. I enjoy reading tutorials and enjoy the photos. Thanks for your great blog.

  51. I love seeing what people are working on and getting ideas for new projects.

    I read blogs and facebook - it's fun to network with lots of other quilters.

  52. I read blogs, not Facebook .
    They are a source of inspiration and it is always fun to see what people are doing : same blocks or quilts with a different pallet of fabrics.News from over the ocean keeps us informed about the new things in the quilt world. Keep designing beautiful fabrics.Martine .

  53. I like looking at what quilts people are making!
    Lots of pictures are the best and I love free patterns!
    I do not have Facebook.

  54. 1. I love tutorials, lot of pictures, and step-by-step descriptions.
    2. I mostly read blogs, but occasionally go to Facebook. I also read books and magazines.

  55. 1. I like blogs that are all about quilting.
    2. I'm a Facebook fanatic and follow all things quilting...and family & friends.

    Do we see a pattern here? LOL

  56. On blogs, I like to read 1) what you've made 2) what you're making now and 3) about new fabrics and new shops. (*Not* personal stuff or medical complaints!) I read both Facebook and blogs.

  57. 1. I love detailed tutorials with lots of pictures. I like when they interview designers, it is pretty neat to learn where they get their inspiration from and the whole process that starts with an idea and ends with beautiful fabric, which in turn leads to beautiful quilts. I like when the blogger shares their life. It just makes the blog more friendly.
    2. I have a facebook page but i very seldom read it. I love blogs that i receive via email. That way if there is something i like, i can read it over and over. The only internet i have is a smart phone and with spotty service it is too difficult to go to each blog.

  58. I enjoy reading blogs. I like seeing new fabric lines before they are available.Some are very helpful and have great hints. I love the Sew Alongs some of the blogs have. I also enjoy seeing and hearing about their personal life. The chance for the give aways are so much fun. I do not have face book. Thanks for the chance.

  59. I read blogs and Facebook (more blogs, newer to facebook) and love to see tutorials, new fabric lines and projects using them. There is always such inspiration. I do follow on Facebook, but a tthe moment use it more to follow photos of family. I find the blogs much easier to access information (find what I'm actually looking for).

  60. I like to read about new projects and projects being made step by step. I don't check out FB so much, but I have a ton of blogs that I follow!

  61. I like tutorials and plenty of pictures! add a few recipes too!
    I don't do FB but I do read a lot of blogs!

  62. I like to look at the pictures and if they are interesting then I will read the blog. I love tutorials. I read on FB too.

  63. 1. I like to see what others are doing on their blogs and lots of pictures.
    2. I have been going to Facebook more often lately.

    I love tutorials on quilting blogs & the new patterns & fabrics that come out. Sew inspiring.

    I do follow quilters, fabric manufacturers & quilt shops on facebook for the same reason.

    Thank you!!!

  65. 1. I like to read quilting blogs. Love the tutorials, and to see their projects. So much inspiration.

    2. i prefer to read the blogs.

  66. I love reading about the designers of the fabrics, how they come up with and create the designs, and seeing the new fabrics.

    I do read Facebook and blogs, prefer blogs over FB as I often don't see posts on FB.

    Sandy A

  67. I like to read about quilts people make and how they use them to decorate or for gifts. I also like to read about small sewing projects for the home or gifts. I do read blogs but I am not on Facebook.

  68. 1. Since I'm new to sewing and especially quilting I love to see all the new fabric lines that will be in the stores soon. I'm particularly partial to sites with photo's as well as easy-to-follow tutorials. I use this inspiration to make simple quilts that are donated to Westie Rescue organizations to help raise fund for westies in bad situations ... hint, hint for a new Henry Glass fabric ... how about westie fabric? I also have a passion for making American Girl Doll Clothing - which are all donated {and not sold!}.

    2. I read Facebook at least twice a day to keep up on my newsfeed and my group page on westies as well as the 'Pages' I follow.

    Keep up the great work at Henry Glass Fabrics - and do please consider a westie fabric line in the future!

    All the best,

  69. Question 1: What do you like to read on blogs?
    -- I like to read about quilt designs, tutorials, new products and how people get thier ideas. It helps me look at the world in a different way.
    Question 2: Do you read Facebook and blogs? Other?
    -- I read blogs, but do not have a facebook account. Haven't won anyting yet. This could be the first!

  70. Question 1: What do you like to read on blogs?
    -- I like to read about quilt designs, tutorials, new products and how people get thier ideas. It helps me look at the world in a different way.
    Question 2: Do you read Facebook and blogs? Other?
    -- I read blogs, but do not have a facebook account. Haven't won anyting yet. This could be the first!

  71. My favorite blogs have photo's, tutorials, daily life all mixed in. I don't do much up Facebook~ I try to limit my computer time. ;-)

  72. I want to learn something from the blogs I follow.
    I follow FB and blogs

  73. Question 1: What do you like to read on blogs?

    I love reading about new fabric, what quilters are making with it, and retreats (since I have to live vicariously through others!).

    Question 2: Do you read Facebook and blogs?

    I read both but prefer blogs.


  74. 1. I love reading blogs for new ideas and tips on sewing. What new lines of fabric are around the bend from different designers and also new patterns. I love the inspiration!
    2. I do not do facebook but I love blogs!

  75. I like to learn new techniques on sewing and see tutorials with lots of pictures. I check facebook occasionally but I read blogs daily and have my favorites!

  76. I love the inspiration of blogs. There are so many wonderfully creative quilters that share.

    I do not have Facebook, so I don't read facebook.

  77. I like to read tutorials, and see the process of making a quilt or project. I especially like it when a blog author's authentic voice comes through.

    I am not on Facebook, and am often disappointed when a giveaway or promotion requires a Facebook "like" (which I thought was against Facebook's rules). I do follow some quilters and companies on Twitter, but try to keep that to a minimum so that my Twitter feed is not so huge that I can't keep track of anyone.

  78. A Re-post - I love reading blogs for inspiration; to learn and share problem solvers and learn of their everyday life. I no longer take classes unless it is about a quiling concept that is new - why should I pay someone to read the pattern to me. I love having comments that offer solutions and suggestions.
    You will not find me on social media -Facebook or Twitter. I like to optain my info with pictures from blogs, especially when they are reviewing a book or a new notion. Judy C

  79. I like photos, tutorials, quilt-alongs and anything quilt related. I also enjoy garden blogs. I read lots of blogs but i'm not on Facebook.

  80. I love to read blogs that inspire me.
    I check facebook to see what my friends are doing and mostly I read quilt blogs.

  81. 1. I like tutorials and after awhile of following a blog, you tend you look forward to hearing from that person or place each day. Kinda like a friend. Even though they don't know who you are LOL.
    2. I love blogs and follow about 30 of them right now and since all my family are on facebook, I do follow it faithfully.
    PS Love, Love your fabrics. So beautiful and great free patterns.

  82. 1. I like tutorials and after awhile of following a blog, you tend you look forward to hearing from that person or place each day. Kinda like a friend. Even though they don't know who you are LOL.
    2. I love blogs and follow about 30 of them right now and since all my family are on facebook, I do follow it faithfully.
    PS Love, Love your fabrics. So beautiful and great free patterns.

  83. 1. I follow a couple dozen blogs - mostly sewing, handwork types, some money-saving ones and a couple "this is our life" ones.

    2. FB is a few times a week to see what friends are doing, not many businesses.

  84. I like to read about design/fabric inspiration and techniques. I only read Facebook.

  85. I love reading blogs describing peoples current projects. The good and difficult. Tutorials are enjoyable too. I read the actual blogs, not facebook blogs.

  86. I love seeing projects in progress, fabric, sewing rooms, fabric, notions, fabric, quilt books, fabric, anything and everything related to quilting....

  87. I read blogs for inspiration and how-to-do. I can see what's fresh and new and fun. I get lost and spend entirely too much time on Pinterest, so I try not to go there much. I mainly use FB to keep up with family and friends.

  88. I read blogs for inspiration and how-to-do. I can see what's fresh and fun. I get lost and spend entirely too much time on Pinterest, so I try not to go there much. I mainly use FB to keep up with family and friends.

  89. Hi! Thank you for this series of great giveaways! I love Henry Glass Fabrics!
    I like to read about the people who write their blogs, for good or bad and obviously, their quilting or other success. I have a blog, that is what I try to do.
    I like to read blogs. I don't do Facebook. There is no confidentiality and way too much advertising! Facebook works for some people, but I can't keep up. I guess that is what it comes down to. Blogs are much more current, and you can give or take as you would like.
    Thanks again for the great giveaway!
    Take care, Leslie

  90. I read blogs and Facebook blogs both. Blogs for tutorials and how tos and blogs to catch up on various topics.

  91. I like to read blogs for the tutorials, ideas,inspiration and patterns that are shared. I also like to see the new fabric lines. I am not on facebook so don't read anything there.

  92. I like to see projects and tutorials for inspiration. I like reviews of new tools and books. I sometimes follow Facebook and the blog of the same person but I do most of my reading on the blogs.

  93. I enjoy reading blogs to get inspired, tutorials, new fabric lines, recipes, new tools and techniques, meet kindred quilters too!!

    I follow quite a few FB sites but much prefer Bloglovin to follow them.

  94. I like to read blogs from other quilters for inspiration, view wipe and see tutorials, be in contact with people all over the world, also trough Facebook

  95. I love to read about projects and learn new things in blog posts. I read both Facebook and blogs but mostly blogs.

  96. 1. I love to read tutorials and see pictures of quilts. It is so inspiring.

    2. I read facebook and blogs and instagram. Love it!

  97. I read blogs for ideas and what is new in quilting. I facebook many for family


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