Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 4: Are You Feeling Very Merry Yet?

We are having so much fun here at the office. Even we can't figure out all of the baby photos. Only one person around here knows the answers! Have you been guessing along? Make sure that you read the blog hop information here.

Today we have Leanne Anderson of The Whole Country Caboodle, Beth Logan of artstuff and Margot Languedoc of The Pattern Basket! They have fabulous posts and projects for you! Go and give them some love!

Here are today's baby photos. So sweet!

Look at this cutie! Love the red outfit and coordinating red shoes!

Keep hopping along!



  1. A wonderful blog hop, I sometimes get confused as to where to leave my comment when I am on this site. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays.

  2. I'm having a lot of fun on this blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for organizing the blog hops!


If you have any issues or errors with adding comments please notify me at - Thanks so much and thank you for taking the time to comment on the blog.