Friday, November 30, 2007

Welcome to the New Henry Glass Blog!!

Welcome to the New Henry Glass Blog! We hope to see you back here often.

Our first Post will be pictures from our most recent Quilt Market in Houston, Texas, Oct. 2007.

Many of you may have been there as well to see our beautifully designed booth by Marilyn Robinson. To see more about our New Products or to view any of the lines you see here please go to or call us at 212.686.5194 x 213 and ask for Customer Service!


  1. Great Blog! Thanks Anne for telling us about this blog. You are add to my reader so I will be checking back soon.

  2. Glad to find your blog through Anne Sutton's. Look forward to reading what's going on at HG.

  3. Great blog! Thanks for taking so much time and energy to give us so much information!


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